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Showing posts with label Leviticus 26. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leviticus 26. Show all posts

Saturday, May 30, 2020

A Comparison of the Covenantal Curses in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28





Lev 26:16

fear of death (level 1)

Deut 28:20

mental confusion

Lev 26:16

debilitating illnesses (cholera, tuberculosis, etc.)

Deut 28: 22, 27, 35, 59, 60–61

debilitating illnesses, boils, tumors, scab, itch, the diseases of Egypt, severe plagues, chronic sicknesses

Lev 26:16

high fever

Deut 28:22

fever, inflammation, fiery heat

Lev 26:16

progressive blindness

Deut 28:28


Lev 26:16

mental depression (or dry throat)

Deut 28: 28, 48

bewilderment of heart (thirst)

Lev 26:16

futility       (level 1)

Deut 28: 16–20

cursed basket & kneading bowl, rebuke in all they do

Lev 26:16

hunger/famine, enemies eating the crops (level 1)

Deut 28: 33, 51

unknown people will eat their produce, nation from afar will eat animals, crops, wine, oil

Lev 26:16

enemy in land (oppression)

Deut 28: 31, 33, 44, 48

enemies will steal animals, eat all the food, lend to the Jews, make them slaves

Lev 26:17

rejection by Yahweh

(level 1)

Deut 28:20

the people are cursed by Yahweh for rejecting him





Lev 26:17

military defeat (level 1)

Deut 28:22

sword/war, pursued & killed

Lev 26:17

enemy rule, occupation, & oppression (level 1)

Deut 28: 29, 43–44

oppressed & robbed by enemies in the land

Lev 26:17

paranoia (level 2)

Deut 28: 28, 34

madness, bewilderment

Lev 26:19


Deut 28: 47–48, 68

hunger, thirst, nakedness, slavery, destruction, no buyer for Jewish slaves

Lev 26:19

severe drought (no rain)

Deut 28: 23–24

severe drought (no rain)

Lev 26:19

soil problems

Deut 28: 18, 23–24

soil problems, cursed produce of the ground

Lev 26:20

futility (level 2)


Deut 28:29

mental & spiritual darkness, not prosper, robbed & oppressed continually

Lev 26:20

poor harvests (crops & fruit)

Deut 28: 17, 38–40, 42

will use a large amount of seed for a small harvest, pests will consume grain & fruit

Lev 26:22

constant danger & death by wild animals (children, livestock, adults)

Deut 28: 26, 31

observe their ox slaughtered, human bodies being eaten by birds & beasts

Lev 26:22

decreased population

Deut 28:18


Lev 26:22

empty highways

Deut 28:16

cursed in the city & country

Lev 26:24

rejection by Yahweh

(level 2)

Deut 28: 19, 33

cursed when they come out & go in, oppressed & crushed continually by enemy

Lev 26:25                               

military defeat, war

(level 2)

Deut 28: 25, 49–50

defeated before their enemies, attacked by a fierce faraway nation with no mercy





Lev 26:25

death by war

Deut 28: 20, 26

they will perish quickly, their corpses will be left on the field

Lev 26:25

siege of cities

Deut 28: 52–53, 55, 57

towns & cities besieged, walls torn down, intense hunger, siege, & distress

Lev 26:25

pestilence, plagues on people & crops

Deut 28: 21–22

pestilence, blight, & mildew

Lev 26:26

hunger/famine (level 2)

Deut 28:48

hunger & thirst

Lev 26:28

rejection & wrath by Yahweh (level 3)

Deut 28: 37, 45

the people will be a horror, proverb, taunt in captivity, pursued & destroyed

Lev 26:29

hunger/famine (level 3)


Deut 28: 55, 57

nothing left but people to eat

Lev 26:29

cannibalism of children

Deut 28: 53–57

they will eat their offspring & afterbirths in secret

Lev 26:30

destruction of the worship sites



Lev 26:30

unburied corpses in the land

Deut 28:26

the unburied corpses are eaten by birds & beasts

Lev 26:30

rejection by Yahweh

(level 3)

Deut 28: 21, 46–47, 63

removed from the land, they will perish, be destroyed, & be torn from the land

Lev 26:31

destruction of the cities

Deut 28: 16, 52, 57

cursed in the city, opposition, siege, & removed walls

Lev 26:31

desolation of sanctuaries



Lev 26:31

ending of legal sacrifices



Lev 26:32

desolation of the land

Deut 28: 45, 63

population destroyed & survivors removed from the land

Lev 26:32

enemies dwelling in the land in place of the Jews

Deut 28:43

the aliens in the land will prosper & lead





Lev 26:33

exile & captivity

Deut 28: 36, 41, 68

exile, increased idolatry in foreign lands, children sent into captivity, brought back to Egypt as slaves

Lev 26:33

dispersion of the exiles

Deut 28: 37, 64, 68

driven among other peoples, scattered to the ends of earth, brought to Egypt in ships

Lev 26:33

death by cruel captors

Deut 28: 22, 31–33, 45

pursued by the sword, destroyed, continually crushed, no one to deliver

Lev 26:34

prolonged captivity 

Deut 28:32

they will yearn for children’s return, but they will not return

Lev 26:36

further decreased population

Deut 28: 45, 62

left few in number, curses will pursue them until destroyed

Lev 26:36

timidity, no courage, demoralization

Deut 28: 34, 65

driven mad by what they witness, anguish, & despair of soul

Lev 26:36

extreme anxiety & paranoia

Deut 28: 65, 67

no rest for mind or body while they are in captivity, & a trembling heart, dread           

Lev 26:36

stress-related deaths

Deut 28:66

their lives will hang in doubt before them

Lev 26:37

injuries by mass attempts to flee imagined enemies



Lev 26:37

unable to defend themselves against attacks

Deut 28:25

they will flee seven ways before their enemies

Lev 26:38

death & dispersion during the exile

Deut 28: 20, 61, 68

they will perish quickly, be destroyed in captivity, be sent back to Egypt in ships

Lev 26:39

extreme mental anguish that destroys health

Deut 28: 65–67

mental anguish, deep despair, despondency, dread of heart



Deut 28:18

cursed offspring of their bodies, herds, & flocks







Deut 28:30

their wives will be raped



Deut 28:30

after their house is built it is occupied by others



Deut 28:30

vineyard planted, but they will receive no fruit



Deut 28: 38, 39, 42

crops consumed by crickets, locusts, & worms



Deut 28:40

olives will drop off trees before they are ripe



Deut 28:41

their children will become slaves in captivity



Deut 28:36

their king will go into captivity