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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Test: How can I know that I am going to heaven? 1 John

I John's Test (5:13-14)

["I have written these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know that you have eternal life.14 Now this is the confidence we have before Him: Whenever we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." (1 Jhn 5:13-14 HCSB) The following questions are the "these things" John wrote, but they have been switched from a statement into a question.]

 1. Have you enjoyed fellowship with the body of Christ (the church), Christ, and the Father?  
1 John 1:2-3    

 2.  Are you living by (obeying) the truth (what is written in the Bible)?  1:5-6

 3. Do you consistently tell the truth (no lying)?  1:6, 10; 2:4

 4. Are you sensitive to sin?  1:7-10

 5. Do you obey God's Word? (keep His commands)  2:3-5, 14
     [intentionally obey the commands in the Bible]

 6. Do you live a lifestyle that is like Christ's?  2:6

 7. Do you love other true Christians?  (Can't stay away from them? Heb. 10:24ff.) 2:9-11; 3:10, 14-19; 4:7-11, 17

 8. Do you know for sure that your sins have been forgiven because of Christ's work?  2:12

 9. Do you personally know God the Father and God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ?   2:13-14, 22-25 (5:20)

10. Do you reject this evil world?  (Its views, perspective, thinking, lifestyle) 2:15

11. Are you remaining with the people of God (involved in Church life)?   2:19

12. Do you practice proper behavior?  (What is the direction of your life?) 2:29

13. Do you eagerly await Christ's return?  3:2-3

14. Do you see a decreasing pattern of sin in your life? 3:4-10; 5:18

15. Have you experienced the "new birth" being 'born again'?  3:9 (2:29; 5:1,18) [born of God or born from above, see John 3:1-8]

16. Have you suffered rejection because of your faith in Christ? 3:13

17. Do you experience answered prayer?  3:22-4; 5:13-15

18. Can you discern between spiritual truth and error? (Do you affirm the humanity and Deity of Christ?) 4:1-3 (2:14, 20-22; 5:20)

19. Do you listen to, believe and obey the Word of God?  (N.T., Apostles)   4:6

20. Do you experience the ministry of the Holy Spirit in your life? Have you been indwelt by the Holy Spirit? 4:12-13 (2:20, 27; 4:4)

21. Do you fully acknowledge that Jesus is the Savior and the Son of God?  4:14-15 (5:5) [with your lips, heart, and life] Do you believe on Him? [Trust Him for deliverance from punishment]  (2:13-14; 3:23)

22. Are you fearful that God will punish or torment you for your sins?   4:18

23. Do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah?  Do you love Jesus? 5:1    (2:22-23)

24. Do you have a recognizable faith?  Do you overcome the world? 5:4-6

25. Do you refrain from sin (breaking any of God's laws)?  5:18
     [not choosing too continue in any sinful practice]

Note for the believer. Consider the above test in light of these encouraging verses.

7 but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin . . . 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
 (1 Jhn 1:7, 9 NASB)

My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous; 2 and He Himself is the propitiation for our sins; and not for ours only, but also for those of the whole world. (1 Jhn 2:1-2 NASB)

Review: A Journey in Purity

A Journey in Purity: A Theological Novel by Richard P. Belcher; 1990, 213 pp. Richbarry Press, Columbia, SC.
Reviewed by Rev. Ted D. Manby; B.A., M.Div., Th.M.
Church discipline. These words bring many different reactions to the average member of a local church. Dr. Belcher's second novel cuts to the heart of the issue as the story of First Baptist Church of Collegetown unfolds in this sequel to Journey in Grace. Pastor Ira Pointer accepted the call to this church with deep concern that only sixty of the thousand members were active. While he is faithfully teaching the obedient remnant, the sleeping giant of nine hundred inactive members awakens and tries to swallow both the pastor and the faithful members. Seventy of the inactive members form an opposition party with the ability to draw three hundred other inactive members to any business meeting. The struggle for survival has begun.
This exciting novel is full of surprises with many twists and turns. Once I began reading it, it was nearly impossible to put down. In the midst of the struggle, Pastor Pointer takes his deacons through an expositional study of a number of New Testament passages on church discipline. Thus, after you have read this book, you will not only enjoy an exciting story and be acquainted with the personal pain carried by all faithful pastors, but you will also be very familiar with biblical church discipline.
This is a book for everyone. Pastors and their wives will devour it and identify with the Pointer family throughout the story. Christians will enjoy it and learn some needed truths. Even older Christians who would be unwilling to read even a pamphlet on church discipline will read this work from cover to cover. Mature Christians will read it with tears of concern over the ruthless tactics of lost church members towards God's people and with tears of joy as they see God, in His sovereign grace, reach down and save sinners who are the least likely candidates to human eyes for grace.
With our local churches being filled with unregenerate and often hostile inactive members, this is a needed book for our undisciplined age. Our churches need to begin and/or continue on their journeys in purity. May God raise up a host of Pastor Pointers who will pay the price to follow the Scriptures in shepherding God's flock.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

A Stingless Death—For Whom?

One writer observed, “The mightiest power of death is not that it can make people die, but that it can make the people left behind want to stop living.”[i] The Apostle Paul also notes that the death of a loved one has a powerful negative effect on those who remain. Paul writes to the Philippian church, “I have thought it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus my brother and fellow worker and fellow soldier, and your messenger and minister to my need, 26 for he has been longing for you all and has been distressed because you heard that he was ill. 27 Indeed he was ill, near to death. But God had mercy on him, and not only on him but on me also, lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow Phil 2:25-27 ESV. The NET Bible translates this clause, “so that I would not have grief on top of grief[ii] Phil 2:27 NET.  If Paul rejoiced that God’s providential care of Epaphroditus prevented Paul from the excessive grief that he would have had if his friend would have died, then it should be no surprise that the rest of us are also affected by the pangs of grief. We are far away from the spiritual maturity of the Apostle Paul, so our spiritual strength will be less than his rather than greater.

For a follower of Jesus (a genuine Christian), when their loved one who dies is also believer, the grief is not a hopeless grief because the parting is only temporary (1 Thess 4:13-18). But it is a real grief. A grief with faith and hope, but it is still painful and difficult. This is because the enemy, death, has not yet been fully vanquished by King Jesus. Paul writes:

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. 21 For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. 23 But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. 24 Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. 25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death” 1 Cor 15:20-26 ESV.

The removal of death is a future event that will not happen until right before the Great White Throne Judgement (Rev 20:1-15, 21:4). It is at this time that this enemy will lose its power over our loved ones by separating the living from the dead and the soul from the body of a human.

In what sense has death currently lost its sting and for whom? The above verses show that death still has power for now. The next verse shows that the promise that death sting will be gone was not given to the deceased believers family and friends. This promise is only for the deceased individual follower of Jesus. Paul writes:

I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 53 For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. 54 When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." 55 "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" 56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain 1 Cor 15:50-58 ESV (see Hos 13:14 & Isa 28:15).
Death’s painful stinger and victory is primarily the everlasting punishment of the second death. The sting is the separation from the mercy of God that those who are not in Christ feel immediately upon the separation of soul and body. The individual believer in Christ is never alone during death and does not feel the stinging victory of death that is experienced by those who do not love the triune God of the Bible. However, the family and friends of the believer do feel the painful sting of separation from their loved one. This promise was not given to them. The promise to the loved ones of believers for the believers that remain is that they can have a know-so hope of a future reunion, even during their grief and readjustment period.

The Word of God says,But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, [deceased] that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.” 1 Thess 4:13 ESV. Why do the “others” have no hope? Let’s consider the belief system of a few philosophical and theological positions that are “other” views in contrast to biblical Christianity.

  • For the evolutionist, the survival of the fittest provides no hope to a mother who just lost her daughter. There is no comfort in the perspective that time and chance eliminated her permanently from their lives because she was too weak.
  • The Buddhist tries to apply denial or destruction of his human desire for fellowship with the deceased but finds no comfort in his belief that his loved one’s soul has migrated to another life form directed by blind uncaring Karma. In Buddhism the only future goal is for both souls to cease to exist by reaching a mythical Nirvana after thousands of years of transmigrating to different life forms to pay for past errors. The idea that my loved one could come back as a gnat provides absolutely no hope of an everlasting conscience reunion with another human being.
  • The Hindu also lacks hope as the deceased persons soul tries to escape the wheel of reincarnation and Karma to finally after tens of thousands of years reach nonexistence and Moksha as the soul is absorbed into an impersonal force. The wailing of a Hindu mother over a lost son is very intense and the world view that this human separation is forever provides no hope to this broken-hearted lady.
  • All forms of Eastern mysticism and New Age spirituality are stuck in this same philosophical rut of Karma and reincarnation.
  • The atheist and materialist also have no hope with the view that men are physical beings only with no soul and no everlasting existence. For the Atheist, death is the permanent ending of life. There is absolutely no hope of a future reunion.
  • For the Jehovah’s Witness, the loved one who did not complete enough works will be annihilated and be never seen again.
  • For the Mormon, the loved one could be stuck on the same planet with Hitler, Stalin and Idi Amin producing children to inhabit new planets.
  • For the Christian Scientist, their mantra, “there is no death and there is no pain” does not explain why they can no longer hold their deceased loved one’s warm hand or be hugged back. Nor can this denial of reality explain why the hot tears keep rolling down their face.
  • For the Muslim, if their loved on did not die in Jihad (Holy war), Allah can choose at any point to not show mercy and consign them to hell.
  • All works-based belief systems are unable to provide a confident belief in a future reunion first because no one knows how many works is enough. If it takes 2,100 good works to get into heaven and the loved one only completed 2,098 good works, they missed the mark. Second, all works-based religions, cults and denominations directly contradict the Bible, because salvation from everlasting punishment is only by grace through faith apart from works (Eph 2:8-10; Gal 2:16, 3:10; Rom 4:2-8, 2 Tim 1:9-10; Tit 3:4-7).
  • For the Free-will theist, their loved one could have failed in performance after sixty-five years of faithfulness to Christ, but in mental confusion deny Jesus and also be assigned to hell. In sickness, dementia, in pain and under medication they stopped keeping themselves saved, sanctified, living above sin and striving to get into heaven. If salvation and sanctification all depends on the human will, then only the young who die suddenly can have any hope of heaven for the Arminian and semi-Pelagian. The Free-will theist can only have hope for very few people in assisted care and nursing homes as their mental capacity diminishes and their volition is faulty and failing. They can no longer “keep themselves saved”[iii] when they can’t even remember their spouse’s face after sixty years of marriage or their own name. Add morphine to mix and hope further evades because it often causes them to die in confusion, but thankfully with much less pain.

There are many more systems “other” than biblical Christianity that can produce absolutely no hope after a death of a loved one has occurred beyond those that have been listed above. Nevertheless, do note that the more works-based a system is the less hope it produces.

 Only those who have faith in Christ alone and are saved by grace alone through Christ’s work alone according to the Bible alone for the glory of God alone have a full know-so hope and the assurance of being reunited in heaven with other believers (2 Cor 5:6-9; Heb 12:23; Rev 6:9). And after that reunion, to also be united with them in the future in the new heavens and new earth (Rev 21:1-8). That is why a loved one being in Christ provides so much hope for a true believer. However, many other belief systems destroy all hope rather than encourage it.

The resurrection of Christ and the ancient Messianic prophecies that are fulfilled in Jesus of Nazareth affirm the propositional truths of the Bible and the veracity and reliability of the passages cited above. The written Word of God contains true truth because God inspired the words and thoughts in the 66 books of the Bible. Those who are in Jesus can have a sure hope of a wonderful everlasting reunion bodily with other followers of Jesus that have experienced death—the separation of the soul from the body. Sadly, this is not the case for “others.”

So, death does have power over a follower of Jesus at the moment God has decreed the separation of body and soul (Heb 9:27; Eph 1:10-11; Rev 14:13-14), but is unable to separate the believer from the love and presence of Christ (John 14:3; Rom 8:31-39; 2 Cor 5:8; Phil 1:21-23; 1 Thess 4:17). Those not in a saving covenantal relationship with King Jesus will be separated from the common grace and mercy of God at their death, just like those outside of the ark in Noah’s day were outside the covenantal mercy of the ark and in the flood of God’s justice and wrath against sin (2 Pet 2:5-16).

Thus, as we have stated above, Death also has the power to separate a loved one from family and friends—at least temporarily for some people. But death will one day be vanquished by King Jesus and after that moment there will no longer be a first death for any creature. The second death, which is everlasting judgment, will continue for all who refuse to take the one bridge off the island provided by God before the volcano erupts. Jesus is the bridge. Deliverance from the wrath to come can only be secured through faith in Him (John 14:1-6; Acts 4:12; Rom 5:9). You do not have to like or take the one path of rescue, but only those who take it make it. You can disagree all you want as the lava flows over the island, but that will not change the reality of it. It is not loving at all to say, “Oh your path that leads to the foot of the volcano is just as good an escape route as the road and one bridge off the Island that leads to safety.” Only that one narrow way will lead you away from the flow of lava. It is a deadly lie that is not loving at all to affirm the paths that lead to death. Love demands pointing to the one provided escape route that alone can provide deliverance.

In conclusion, consider again that the family can feel the sting of death, but a genuine believer in Christ will not individually feel the sting of everlasting death or being separated from God’s love, presence, mercy or grace. The promise of a stingless death is only to the individual believer. Believers left behind are promised a future reunion with departed believers, but not freedom from missing their loved one in the meantime.

And then one day, I’ll cross that river
I’ll fight life’s final war with pain
And then, as death gives way to victory
I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He reigns.
Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives[iv]

Jesus the Messiah rose from the dead in the same physical body three days after He was crucified and is reigning in heaven right now. He died about 28AD and He now lives!

Ted Manby, BA, M-Div., Th.M.

[i] Fredrick Backman, My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry (New York: Artia, 2015) p 220.
[ii] All bold text and underlining have been added for emphasis, but they were not present in the source document.
[iii] This author was personally told in a group setting by an Arminian Church of God pastor in Newport News, VA in 1982, “I have been saved 20 years because I have kept myself saved.”
[iv] Hymn, “Because He Lives” by William J. Gaither and Gloria Gaither, Hanna Street Music (BMI), 1969.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Alive from the Dead! Eph 2:1-5 Sermon Outline

Sermon Title:   Alive From the Dead!

Sermon Text:  Ephesians 2:1-5   deadness/reversed

      Attention:  One of the first Protestant Systematic Theology books starts with these words:  “True wisdom consists in two parts: the knowledge of God and of ourselves.”  This text will give us an honest look at ourselves and the God of the Bible.
      Need:  Ephesians 2 is a foundational text that every Christian must use to interpret the rest of the Bible.  If you set this text off to the side, you will misunderstand other passages.  This one is foundational to biblical understanding.
      Textual Idea: Paul teaches the Ephesian Christian’s about the reversal of their spiritual deadness.
      Sermon Idea: People today need a Divine reversal of their spiritual deadness.
      Interrogative:   Why do people today need a Divine reversal of their spiritual deadness?
      Transition w/ Key Word: We will see in this text 3 reasons why we need a Divine reversal of our spiritual deadness.  The first reason is:

      Division 1 Statement  


            Explanation:  All men are born spiritually dead.  Not weak, sick, but dead.  But God is spiritually alive.  Look at – word dead. Dead means dead.  Jesus and Lazarus were dead – Separated from life.  Eph. 2 – dead in the realm of sin.  Separated from spiritual life that comes from God.
            Illustration:  When Adam wrecked the car of our spiritual life, he did not just dent the fender.  He totaled it.  Spiritually, before Christ was in our lives, we were like a corpse.  No pulse, no breath, no brain waves.  Totally separated from spiritual life.  Dead.
            Argumentation:  Let’s take a moment and compare Scripture w/ Scripture.  In Rom. 3:10-23 Paul argues that there is none righteous, no one who seeks for God.  In 1 Cor. 2:14 he boldly asserts that the natural man is completely unable to understand spiritual truth.
            Application:  Spiritual life comes from God.  He is the source.  Thus, we must ask God to give – lost hearts of flesh, remove hearts of stone.  We must give God the praise for our salvation.  Look at your God in this text.  Isn’t He great?  Awesome.  He loves sinners, makes the dead alive.  When we were w/o strength, Christ died for the ungodly. We must pray and share as if the lost are spiritually dead, because they are.  Not weak, dead.  But we can pray to the Holy One who can make then alive.  Trust God.  Believe His book.
      Transition:  Not only are we stuck in our deadness, but the next reason why we need a Divine reversal of our spiritual deadness is:

Division 2 Statement


            Explanation: We cannot produce significant, eternal, lasting, permanent change on our own for the right reasons and with the right motives.  Here is why -Look at the word Walk – walk of life, conduct, lifestyle of – dead, living sinfully. Prince – air – is Satan.  How does he work?  Works effectively in deceived followers. In Whom? Children of disobedience.  Major characteristic = disobedience Living among = acting just like the other pagans, under the control of the lust of our flesh.
            Illustration: Thomas Boston – Scottish theologian – unconverted man is like a man in a pit, he may get out 1 of 2 ways, climb side of the pit, get out by works, or pull himself up by the gospel rope.  But – man has a slight problem, he is dead bottom pit.  Think of fish floating top Neuse river, goes w/ current, and a hard task masker pushes it even faster by shoving w/ oar from boat, and since fish is dead, it follows – direction of current and task masker.

            Argumentation: Let’s leave our text for a moment and see broader context of the Bible.  Can this idea be supported elsewhere? Psa. 51 tells us we were conceived in sin – Spiritually dead.  Born w/ a sin nature, therefore we sin by nature. 1 Tim. 5:6 “She who lives in pleasure is dead, even while she lives.”  We love our sin, and enjoy its pleasure while seeking to drown its guilt.

            Application: Why do dogs bark? Dogs.  The lost act the way they do, because – lost.  How do you change a society?  One heart at a time.  How do you permanently change a drunk or a thief?  Is it enough to get a guy sober for a few years by a program, if he still ends up in hell?  Only the gospel applied makes eternal changes.  The dead are powerless to change themselves.  Reformation w/o regeneration is of some, but little value.  Jesus’ power is needed for real change that lasts.

      Transition: So the first reason why we need a Divine reversal of our spiritual deadness is we are stuck in our deadness, the second is we are powerless to change our behavior, and the third reason we need a Divine reversal of our spiritual deadness is:

Division 3 Statement


            Explanation:  Look at your God in vs. 4-5, He is rich mercy, overabounding in compassion, not giving us all we deserve, He has a great love, an amazing love for wicked lost sinners.  He has great grace – unearned loving favor, giving us the opposite we have earned, salvation comes by His grace.  Now, can a spiritual corpse receive beneficially mercy, love, or grace?  No.  It all about God.  First, He makes us alive, the dead get a resurrection just like Jesus and connected w/ Jesus’ resurrection.  We were powerless; He raised us from the dead.  To God be the glory!  Regeneration changes everything!  Now should we not trust a God like this?

            Illustration:  In 1978 and 1979 there was a drunk that tried to quit drinking over and over again.  It would last for only weeks.  But then, God took him to the bottom of the barrel.  He lost 4 thos. saved money in an investment, lost his job, girlfriend, and found himself in Great Lakes, IL. For Navy boot camp.  He finally surrendered to Christ, that 1st day, after 18 ¾ years of running from God.  That drunk stands before you now, and because of Jesus, he has been sober for 25 ½ years.  The power of the gospel to make the dead alive, the bound set free.  To God be the glory, Great things He has done!
            Argumentation:  Now, consider our inability while spiritually dead from a few other places in the Bible. Col. 2:13 “And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven all your trespasses.”  1 Cor. 6:10-11, Thieves, drunkards, and such were some of you, but you were washed, sanctified, justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.  Bible is clear, God makes the difference.
            Application:  God is in the business of raising the dead.  Jonah was right, salvation is of the Lord.  For lasting change reformation must follow regeneration.  Otherwise, you are making them double the sons of hell, still owing the debt of their sin, but now trusting in their own goodness for salvation.  Only God can take out a heart of stone and replace it with a heart of flesh.  Don’t pray for the lost to have more time in their deadness, pray for their spiritual resurrection.
      Transition: We have seen in this text 3 reasons why we need a reversal of our spiritual deadness.

            Visualization:  If you go to a graveyard w/ no visitors, & yell out, Anyone who desires this $10,000.00 case of money, come and get it.”  How many dead men will be able to respond?  NONE.  But join the prophet Ezekiel preaching to dead men’s bones.  When the Holy Spirit gives life to the dead, the living will respond.  “But God made us alive.”  He alone get the credit.

            Reiteration: So the first reason why we need a Divine reversal of our spiritual deadness is we are stuck in our deadness, the second is we are powerless to change our behavior, and the third is we are unable to receive God’s gifts while spiritually dead.

            Action:  Pray that those who live like they are lost will have a spiritual resurrection.  Don’t assure the dead that they have a free pass to heaven.   The front of the church building is a place of prayer in a Baptist church, but not a magical spot.  Our motive in coming forward should be to embrace Christ by repentance and faith because the Holy Spirit has opened their hearts to the truth of the Word of God, not to empress someone or help our business.

            Appeal:  Only Jesus saves.  Don’t assume the dead are alive because they are in a worship service.  If they are committed to the lifestyle of the dead they may still be spiritually dead.  The spiritual resurrection of the dead is where the new life begins.  Pray for the spiritually dead and trust God – believe Him to do a work with Divine power in their live.  Our God has the power to save, call on Him in faith.  Surrender to Him as Lord.  Now is the time to surrender and to call on Jesus to do what only He can do.