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Showing posts with label Phillipians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phillipians. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Preserve Your Church Phil 2:12-16

Therefore, my beloved church, just as you all (ye pl.) always have obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence;  with fear  and trembling; be working out the preservation of yourselves, {13} for it is God who is continually working in (ye) you all, both to be willing and to be doing  according to His good pleasure.{14} All things be ye doing without complaining and arguing,  {15} so that you all (ye pl.) may become  blameless and harmless, children of God without fault  in the midst of a generation:  crooked and having perverted themselves; among whom you all are shining as lights in the world, {16} continually holding forth the Word of Life, so that I may rejoice in the day  of Christ’s;  so that I have not run in vain nor in vain labored.


1.  (ILL.) A man decided to join a monastery and one of the rules of the group was that you were only allowed to speak two words every ten years. At the end of ten years he said, "Bad food!"  Ten more years went by and he said, "Hard bed!"  Finally, on his 30th anniversary with the brothers, he thundered, "I quit!" And the priest in charge responded, "You might as well. All you do is complain anyway."  Well, that was pretty good for 30 years, but today  we are going to talk about murmuring, and that doesn’t take but 3 seconds.

We will also deal with two other relevant issues. Some have been following the papers debate over the Pelagian controversy raised by Judgement House III.  One of the problems of the letters to the Editor is that they show the people writing them do not know how to study the Bible.

Work out your own salvation is one of the verse they use to teach you cannot have everlasting salvation.
I want to invite you into my study this morning, and as your Teaching Shepherd, show you how to study the Bible so that the Pelagian’s wont eat your lunch, and when they twist the Scriptures, you can call them on it, rather than sitting there dumbfounded. So come on into my study.

2.  Background is vital to understand a book and its verses.  Philippi was a town in Macedonia founded by Philip II in 358 B.C. The city at this time had a large gold supply; but this was depleted before it came under the rule of Rome. Philippi was influential in the Greeks' day, and later was a Roman colony under Rome. Roman colonies were outposts or reproductions of the imperial city. Hence, Philippi's citizen enjoyed full privileges of Roman citizenship which included freedom and rights as well as exemption from taxes and land ownership. The city*s location dominated the road systems, especially the Roman road via Egnatia.

Philippi's location on the great Roman Road was very advantageous. It had been a wealthy city for years, and at the time of Paul's writing, it was well located for trade. The city had schools, craftsmen, merchants, and many Roman-styled public buildings. Purple dye was one of the products that was sold. However, it was not chiefly a commercial city; rather, it was a military and agricultural one.
Paul was in prison in Rome when he wrote this letter. He had just been visited by Epaphroditus, an elder from Philippi sent to be a constant minister to Paul. Thus, the providential occasion for Paul to write at this time was the return of Epaphriditus, who would deliver the letter.

Paul used this opportunity to send a personal note of appreciation for the Philippians' gift. But most important,  Paul had just learned the needs of the church. This was a key church for Paul’s plan to reach the nations.  An now there was a fight between two ladies going on.  Rodney Baker preached on this and Jeff and Delores did a skit on it during the revival. Uodia and Syntcye, You-owe-me and So-Touchy. These females, if ignored, would split this key church to pieces So, Paul used this occasion to give spiritual guidance. He points out the division among them, exhorts them to unity and humility, and likewise, warns them against the Judaizers. In addition, Paul wanted to give them information that they had requested about himself, to dispel their fears for Epaphroditus, and to encourage them to be content with their lot. If you forget the fight in chapter 4, you will misinterpret every verse in this book.

The Philippian church was founded by Paul on his second missionary journey. The first converts were women who were proselytes to Judaism. God brought whole families into the Church such as Lydia's family and the family of the Roman jailer. The church, however, had a Gentile flavor with few, if any, authentic Jews. At this time, the Philippian church already had leaders, both overseers and deacons.

1.  Every Church must obey the Apostles teaching, the N.T.
2.  Every Church must learn how God is working in them.
3.  Every Church must be doing the ministry without murmuring.
4.  Every Church must be holding forth the whole Word of God.


Therefore, my beloved church, (adj., plural)  just as you all (ye pl.) always have obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence;  with fear  and trembling; be working out the preservation of yourselves,

A.  Look at your handout. This is a mechanical layout of the passage. 95% of you are capable of doing  one of these. If you don’t study, those who hold to error will silence you   
 The fight has started back. I saw you-owe-me and so-touchy in town.

B.  Notice the you’s, they should all be “y’all’s. They are all plural.
  Not a word in here is for an individual Christian. It is for a whole church together.

C.  The Pelegian’s will tell you, this verse is clear, you have to keep working for your salvation or work your salvation out, if  you stop you loose it.
D.  Paul is addressing the whole group.
 He has just taught on the Humility and example of Jesus as a servant. This Humility brings unity.
Why was Paul teaching on Humility and servant-hood and unity?
Because he is dealing with 2 fighting women in the church.  If they will adopt Jesus attitude,
of putting others in front of Himself, the problem can be resolved.
Pride, Power and Control are behind most church fights and upset members.

E.  How did the church obey when Paul was there?
 They dealt with the fighting ladies. Now he is away.
  Epaproditus comes to help, and shares a serious prayer request.

F.  Why should there be fear and trembling?
  Because if you ever backslide, you are going To hell. So keep yourself saved. Wrong.
  Because churches are not given eternal  security.
Nations and churches are judged on the earth, often in about 2 generations.

G.  Work out your own salvation.  Be working to  
  completion the preservation of your church by dealing with these fighting ladies and with     encroaching legalism.

H.  That’s not what I heard preached.
 Read the book 5 times through. Do some mechanical layouts.
Then use some tools to find out what the words can mean, look at the tenses of the verbs, singulars and plurals. Look at the “If”s and get some help on the historical setting.
I.  This is what is wrong with preacher’s not studying the text themselves first, instead of stealing what someone else preached, who borrowed it from somewhere else. The same mistakes get repeated over and over this way,with nobody being a Berian, studying the Bible to see if what is taught is correct.

J.  Obey the Apostles, obey the N.T. This is what is required.
 Do your part to bring about the preservation, survival of your church.

K.  If the floor starts to sag on an old church building, Will it help to ignore the problem?
L.  Pour some concrete, put in a support beam. Deal with the problem and salvage the floor.
M.  Deal with Spiritual pride, selfishness, & lack of humility, desires for power and control, or your church will split all apart. 


{13} for it is God who is continually working in you all, both to be willing and to be doing  according to His good pleasure.

  A.  God does not want your church to fail.

  B.  He is continually at work in the whole group.
 1.  He helps us with our wills,
to accept change, new leaders, new ways, to chose to be Biblical.
To chose to humble ourselves, and not
Have everything go our way.
Rodney shared with us about forgiveness and priorities. The church can’t stand  together if everyone forsakes the assembling together, and disobeys Heb. 10:24.
 Rodney shared how his heart was broken as a pastor, to question one of his families, We Just can’t find time to go to church anymore. Our kids are playing basketball and piano   lessons, and we just can’t find the time    to come anymore.
Jesus, we will half-hardheartedly serve you, if it is convenient, but if there is a schedule conflict, Jesus you automatically loose.
 Everything is more important than worship. 
2.  God will help us with doing things
We choose to make Him a priority Then we do it.  He helps us. If it is according to His will, He helps us to choose it, He helps us to do it.
 Not what we want, is what He wants.
“I can do whatever I want, but my want to  Has changed.”
 God has a will.
 Much of it is revealed in the Bible.
C.  God does everything according to His sovereign  will.  He is the king of kings, not us.

D.  Here is where human responsibility and Divine sovereignty come together. We have to work to keep the church unified because God is working on it too. He does His part, when we do ours. If we won’t obey, He will blow our candle out.


{14} All things be ye doing without complaining and arguing,  {15}  so that you all (ye pl.) may become  blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a generation: crooked and having perverted themselves; among whom you all are shining as lights in the world,

A.  Murmuring and complaining is not God’s will  
The deacon’s are to deal with complainers.
Have you ever known anyone who had a heart murmur? Jacob was born with one. The children of Israel had an even deadlier kind of  heart murmur. Read Exodus chapters 15, 16, and 17 and Numbers chapters 14 and 16. The New Testament holds up these chronic complainers as   become a people that are not blameworthy. 

B.  The unsaved are crooked, twisted, morally warped, cannot be trusted.
They have twisted themselves away from  the straight path of the law.

C.  They have perverted themselves.

D.  Isolate yourselves from big sinners, right? Wrong.
E.  You are to let your light shine to them and for them. People matter to God.

F.  There are four ways in which substances react to light. Some are transparent. The light passes through them. Some are translucent.  They scatter the light. Some are opaque.
They bar the light. Some are like mirrors. 
  They reflect the light. We want to be mirrors, reflecting the light.
Jesus is the light of the world. You are the light of the world.  Shine as stars in the sky. examples to be avoided.     

G.  Two men on are dark path.  One shines the light so they both can see. That is the role of a  

H.  By not arguing and complaining, we can true believer in Christ. We are like the beggars in NY city, when the bread truck turns over, we go back to the alley and yell, free bread, come take as much as you like. Eat, and be hungry no more. Jesus is the bread of life. He can meet your deepest needs.


{16} continually holding forth the Word of Life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ’s; so that I have not run in vain nor in vain labored.

 A.  The Word here, is the logos the logic, the written word, the whole truth of God.
The whole council of God. Whole Bible.

 B.  It is also, the gospel of Christ.
     The words that bring you from death to life.
     Do you want to live forever?
 1)  Are you a sinner?
 2)  Do you want forgiveness for your sins?
 3)  Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross for sinners and rose again?
 4)  Do you believe that Jesus is God and
  became Man as well on the first Christmas? 
 5)  Are you ready to invite Jesus into your life  
  as your Rescuer and Boss by surrendering to Him?
 6)  Are you willing to repent of your sins and 
  claim Jesus’ blood for your forgiveness?
 7) Will you pray right now and ask Jesus to forgive you and save you?

 C.  White knuckled, we hold forth the gospel, the Bible to people who are not-yet-Christians.
 The powerful word can save from the uppermost to the gutter-most.

  D.  If the Church sticks with sharing the Bible with the not-yet-believer, and will deal with division.  On judgement day they will have a lot to show.

E.  There is coming a day when all will stand before Christ and give an account.
For some it will be for division.
  For other’s failure to obey the great commission.
Others have refused to surrender to the Lord   Christ and repent of their sins
and obey the gospel.
If the church fails by ignoring division, Paul’s church planting work will have been   in vain.  He would have failed to establish a church to plant other churches.

 F.  The firemen hold forth a special blanket.
 The lady jumps from the burning building into the safety of the trampoline material. They held it out, and she was delivered.
 We must hold out the Word, so that the gospel can be heard and believed.
Will you embrace Christ? 
 Will you preserve your church?
Are you complaining or blessing? Are you working or murmuring?


1.  Every Church must obey the Apostles teaching, the N.T.
2.  Every Church must learn how God is working in them.
3.  Every Church must be doing the ministry without murmuring.
4.  Every Church must be holding forth the whole Word of God.

(ILL.) The wife of a hard-to-please husband was determined to try her best to satisfy him for just one day. 'Darling,' she asked, 'what would you like for breakfast this morning?' He growled, 'Coffee and toast, grits and sausage, and two eggs -- one scramble and one fried.' She soon had the food on the table and waited for a word of praise. After a quick glance, he exclaimed, 'Well, if you didn't scramble the wrong egg!" Some people are impossible to please, so please King Jesus instead. Will you respond to the word.