J.R. Rushdoony, in his book, The
Mythology of Science, [1]
evaluated the thinking process of many in the scientific community. His purpose
in this work is to expose the intentions of modern science to be those of magic
because of its desire for absolute control of history and ethics. Darwinian
macro-evolution is merely a religious foundation for the humanistic
presuppositions of these individuals and is not a scientific conclusion based
on the scientific method of discovery. The scientific Man is the new god of
modern man and is to be the controller and determiner of all human destiny.
These assertions by the author,
however, are not made to discredit science when it is true science.
Nevertheless, since science has left its Christian root as a tool of a believer
in Christ to exercise his/her dominion under God, it now embraces a myth. The
myth is that science itself has the ‘magical’ power to control the universe.
It is this student’s opinion, after
studying this work, that Dr. Rushdoony adequately proves each of his assertions
with careful reasoning and well-documented sources from modern scientists and proponents
of evolution trained in other fields. Moreover, he exposes many of the claims
and logically lays out the results of embracing the religion of Darwinian
Rushdoony begins by giving evidence
that modern science lacks objectivity. Thus, it is a religious hope based on the
ever-changing man-made conclusions. Numerous scientists, whose underlying
presuppositions are philosophically classical humanism, will accept
contradictions, fraud, and even absurdities as unquestionable truth. [2]
Darwinian Evolution is a religious
choice. The fixed order of the universe gives the student of science two
choices. There is either a sovereign God or there is sovereign Nature.
Therefore, Darwinian macro-evolution is “a revolt from the sovereign and
all-sufficient God who by His predestining will and eternal counsel brought all
things to pass.” [3]
Therefore, Darwinian scientific socialism offers to bring the utopia here on
earth for which men long to experience. Since, in their view, God does not
exist, there is no such thing as a moral law or a fixed ethical standard. Thus,
science should take control of the world through economics, medicine,
government, and education.
Modern evolutionary based
scientists are now concerned with the “scientific predestination of man.” [4]
Through genetics, modern Darwinian scientists can ‘foreordain’ future
generations. Without biblical ethics as a guide, they can seek to change things
from eye color to sexual organs with no restrictions provided by their religion
of Darwinian evolution. Likewise, there are no limits in mixing or changing
species since all species evolved from each other according to their
authoritative text, Origin of the Species.
Rushdoony postulates that the
Darwinian evolutionists are often operating on principles and assumptions that
are borrowed from Christianity. Based on their worldview, they have no right to
do so. If this world is here by mere chance, then all facts are meaningless. This
would include the so-called facts of macro-evolution. The scientist needs intelligent,
special organized creation for his/her job to have meaning. Thus, the Darwinian
scientific person wants to explore a universe with cause and effect and natural
laws, yet only without the God of the Bible. The design of life on earth is not
what a rational person would expect if it were merely the product of Father
Time, Mother Nature, and Lady Luck (mathematical chance). Despite the evidence
of design, many scientists choose the religion of Darwinian Evolution, with Man
alone as sovereign. Likewise, man can now control the evolutionary process,
making man autonomous and ultimate. [5]
Hence, science is seeking to overcome death, time, and history. Darwinian
evolutionary scientists have already started a program to control life, minds,
man, and society.
Therefore, the debate between those
who believe in the Bible and contemporary Darwinian evolutionary science is a
religious controversy. Being unaffected by the facts, the Darwinian
evolutionists defend their position with great emotion because they believe in
their position as a matter of conviction (Nothing plus time plus chance equals
everything). These individuals optimistically hope to bring paradise to earth,
as they believe all things are possible for the contemporary scientific
Dr. Rushdoony’s book comprises
twelve chapters and four appendices. There are a few weaknesses in this work. Unfortunately,
the transition between several of the chapters took away from the overall flow
of this thesis and sub-themes of this work. Likewise, his appendices are so
vital for the documentation of his postulates, it may have been better to
include some of them in the existing chapters. He does not use any charts or
tables to communicate his evidence, yet he effectively used verbal
illustrations to give the reader a mental picture portraying his points.
On the positive side, the theme of
this book was carefully emphasized and supported in each chapter. Modern man is
a practical atheist so that he/she can be free from God’s law and to be his/her
own sovereign ruler. The author’s thesis was clearly asserted and documented
throughout the book. The readability may have been slightly diminished by the
large number of quotes. However, these were necessary to document each of his
For example, Rushdoony shows that
Darwinian macro-evolution is a religion that is emotionally defended regardless
of the scientific facts by quoting Louis Leakey. This Darwinian was digging in
the dirt in Africa with only the aid of his human eyes. He was not in a laboratory.
No age testing had occurred. His only equipment was a spade, a strainer, and a
brush. Rushdoony notes, “Louis Leaky . . . described his discovery . . . of a
bit of a skull and two teeth in these words: ‘We knelt together to examine the
treasure . . . and almost cried with
sheer joy. For years people had been telling us that we’d better stop looking,
but I felt deep down that it had to be there.’” [6]
Dr. Rushdoony comments concerning this that “the scientist Leakey knows what he
had found before he had examined it. He worked by faith, and he accepted his
findings as ‘proof’ on sight. Second, the intense emotionalism and joy sounds
more like a revival experience than a scientific analysis.” [7]
Rushdoony analysis of these words is brilliant. They are kneeling in the field.
Emotions are so riveting that they are almost in tears. They know this
is what they have been searching for to prove Darwinian macro-evolution by mere
eyesight. No radio-carbon dating had occurred. No geological layer analysis had
been completed. But they had this strong feeling that a piece of a skull and
two teeth would be all the proof they needed. This sounds like an eyewitness
account of one of Finney’s revival meetings in the 1800s rather than a careful
application of the scientific method. This new religion of Darwinian
macro-evolution produces joy, emotional exhilaration, and almost tears as the
congregants kneel in adoration. Rushdoony’s quote of Leaky proved his assertion.
Dr. Rushdoony’s reasoning through
the facts discovered was superb. He had been well trained in logical analysis.
His clear thinking is the most convincing characteristic of this book.
Thankfully, he not only constructively critiques the claims of some modern scientists,
but also offers biblical answers to their claims through this work. An
open-minded skeptic of Christianity that reads this work would be challenged to
questions some claims of the proponents of the religion of Darwinian evolution.
But they would also be encouraged to submit to the sovereign God who created
the universe and rules it as the Lord of all. Moreover, Rushdoony’s objectivity
and calm but firm tone of this work add to this book’s ability to communicate
truth to one willing to examine the facts.
The format and thesis of this work
are carefully outlined by this gifted author. The overall layout was an
effective tool in supporting and effectively communicating the major thrust of
this work.
The Mythology of Science has
significantly influenced this student’s views regarding the theoretical model
of Darwinian macro-evolution and the importance of logic and critical thinking.
This book and author have a way of challenging the reader to go beyond
superficial answers and to carefully examine his/her presuppositions that are used
to reach logical conclusions. Rushdoony’s book is a valuable contribution for
those considering the theoretical models available to explain the origin of the
earth, living things, and the universe. Hopefully, it will be back in print
soon so that it is available to more students who are willing to examine these
matters logically. [It is back in print!] The facts reveal that both theoretical models for the origin
of the universe are faith based religious systems that are contrary to each
other. Both could be wrong, but both cannot be true, since they are polar
End Notes
Rushdoony, J.R. The Mythology of Science (Nutley, New Jersey: Craig
Press), 1968 (128 pages).
[2] This
system accepts that the end justifies the means, might make right, and the
survival of the fittest. The commandment to not bear false witness is not
included in their religion.
Rushdoony, J.R. The Mythology of Science (Nutley, New Jersey: Craig
Press), 1968, p 9.
Ibid., p 32.
[5] We
saw this atheistic evolutionary science ethics illustrated in Nazi Germany when
the scientists used Jewish human beings for medical experimentation. When man
is sovereign, ethics can be decided first by the votes of society, and then by
the elite ruling class scientists who will decide right and wrong apart from
God’s standard for their nation.
Ibid., p 85.