Sunday, June 21, 2020
Doctrines of Grace Acrostic from Roger Nicole, 6 Points
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
TULIPER 7 Points of Calvinism - Richard P. Belcher, SR.
Total Depravity (or total inability): The unbeliever is in bondage to Satan and is incapable of exercising his will freely to turn to Christ. Man is beyond all self—help because he is ‘dead in his trespasses and sin.̓ (This is not absolute depravity as everyone could be worse.) Man is “as bad off” spiritually as he can be and is naturally in rebellion against God.
Unconditional Election: Before the foundation of the world, God chose certain individuals out of His free grace and love and by His sovereign will. His choice was not based on any foreseen response, obedience, faith, repentance, or any condition, but according to His unchangeable purpose, secret counsel, and the good pleasure of His will.
Limited Atonement (definite atonement or particular redemption): “Christ died to save particular persons who were given Him by the Father in eternity past. His death was, therefore, a one hundred percent success, in that all for whom He died will be saved, and all for whom He did not die will receive 'justice' from God when they are cast into hell.” (D. E. Spencer) The intention of the atonement was for the elect and it actually obtained salvation for them.
Irresistible Grace (or effectual call): Salvation is based on God̓s free will and because God is all—powerful (omnipotent),, His grace cannot be resisted. “In addition to the outward general call to salvation which is made to everyone who hears the Gospel, the Holy Spirit extends to the elect a special inward call that inevitably brings them to salvation. The external call” (made to anyone) “can be, and often is, rejected; whereas the internal call (which is made only to the elect) cannot be rejected; it always results in conversion.” (Loraine Boettner)
Perseverance of the Saints: Every individual who was chosen by Cod, redeemed by Christ, regenerated and given faith by the Holy Spirit will persevere to the end. Once truly believing, always persevering. Their assurance and trust will remain in Christ̓s finished work and in the promise that ‘salvation is of the Lord.̓ God will keep His sheep that He brings into His fold. His sheep have a love for the Savior, a hatred of sin, and a growth in holiness.
Evangelism: All believers must share the Gospel with the lost. We are commissioned by Christ to bring the gospel to everyone in our world. All people groups must be discipled. God ordains both the means and the ends. The people of God and the Word of God are key means to spreading the gospel to every people group on the earth and establishing a church among each people group to further the work of the gospel. Missions must be our heartbeat and it is not optional.
Responsibility: The Bible holds all men responsible to repent, believe, and turn from their rebellion to the Lord Christ. All people are without excuse for ignoring general revelations and special revelation. Believers are responsible to follow Jesus fully, including to be witnesses for Him to the uttermost parts of the earth.
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Reigning Sin Romans 6:5-23
Other Resources
Saturday, June 6, 2020
Bible Verses that Teach Punishment by Degrees
Psa 28:4
Matt 10:14-15, 11:21-24, 12:41-42, 16:27
Mark 12:38-40
Luke 12:45-48
Luke 23:41
John 5:29
Acts 10:42
Rom 2:6, 16
Rom 14:10-12
2 Cor 5:10; 11:13-15
Gal 5:21
1 Tim 5:24-25
2 Tim 4:14
Sunday, May 10, 2020
ROMANS 8:29-31 Only God Can Provide Security
“For whom He foreknew (proginōskō), He also predestined . . . and whom He predestined, these He also called; and whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified . . . If God is for us, who can be against us?”
I. Definition of “foreknew.”
We used paper plates at the picnic. (1. sheet material)
The context of chapter 8 in Romans is declaring the believers security and hope during trials. Our future glory is certain because GOD is bringing it to pass. Paul’s evidence of this certainty is laid out in verses 29-30.
The Biblical Order: |
Man made order: The following order or system which states part truth and part error allows for no certainty or guarantee. |
GOD is choosing individuals. |
MAN chooses to exercise his faith. |
GOD is determining life events. |
GOD sees that faith in advance, a thing. |
GOD is calling individuals to salvation. |
GOD is determining events. |
GOD is justifying humans. |
GOD is calling and justifying people. |
GOD is going to glorify His chosen ones. |
GOD is going to glorify the one with faith. |
III. Grammar:
God | foreknew | what
Also, in the New Testament when the Greek word for “foreknow” (proginōskō) is used with “God” as the subject it always has people as its object. The New Testament never says that ‘God foreknew things.’
Thus, Romans 8 teaches that the believer can wait with certainty and confidence, because he knows that God is sovereign in his salvation. God foreknows people (“whom,” not “what”). We can have confidence because God foreordains, God determines life events, God calls, God justifies, and God will finish what He begins at our resurrection and glorification. This glorification is such a sure thing to occur for all “the called,” Paul speaks of it in the past tense (Gnomic Aorist) as if it has already occurred. It is hard to get more certain than that!
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Order of Salvation
1. Foreknowledge and election
• Foreknow: to foreordain or decree and to lovingly know in advance; to set one’s love upon another. Rom 8:28
• Election: a free and unconstrained selection by God; to choose. Eph 1:4
2. Predestination: a sovereign, eternal, unchangeable decree of God concerning the elect and determining their destiny. Rom 8:30; Eph 1:11
3. Effectual calling: a sovereign and effective summons by which the people of God are ushered into the fellowship and union with Christ as their Redeemer, Savior and Lord. Rom 8:30, 11:29; John 6:44-45
4. Regeneration or new life: a miraculous change in a person’s heart and life wrought by a re-creative act of God. It is a radical, effective transformation and spiritual resurrection that results in repentance, faith and new obedience. Eph 2:1-5; 1 John 5:1-2[note Greek verb tenses]; John 1:9-13, 3:1-8; Titus 3:5
5. Faith and Repentance—Conversion: “Saving faith is permeated with repentance and repentance is permeated with faith.”
• Faith is a whole-souled movement of self-commitment to Christ for salvation from sin and its consequences.
• Repentance is a turning from sin unto God. It a change in heart, mind and will concerning God, ourselves, sin and righteousness. It includes a “true sens of our sin” and results in “a grief and hatred of our sin” along with a turning from it unto God. Acts 20:21; Eph 1:12-13, 2:8-9; 2 Tim 2:25-26; Rom 4:3-5:21
6. Justification: to be declared righteous by God. It is an objective, outward, legal act on the basis of Christ’s accomplished work. Christ’s righteousness is imputed to the believer’s account and they are accepted as righteous in God’s sight. It is a change in legal standing before God from guilty to not-guilty. Rom 5:1-2; 2 Cor 5:21
7. Adoption: to be received as a part of the intimate family of God as either His son or daughter. As such, the believer receives all rights, privileges and inheritance as His children. It is an outward legal act that results in a new relationship and the receiving of the Spirit of adoption, the Holy Spirit. It is a change in position. Eph 1:5, 13-14; Rom 8:9-11, 14-17; 1 Cor 12:13
8. Sanctification: this is an act of God “whereby we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God.” It begins at conversion and remains a process until glorification. It is the work of God in us that begins with a radical division from sin and then continues the war with sin in our minds and bodies. It is a change of character. Heb 2:11, 12:14; Acts 20:32, 26:18; Rom 6:19, 22, 15:16; 1 Cor 6:11; 1 Thes 4:3-7; 2 Thes 2:13
9. Perseverance of the saints: to continue in the faith. True believer’s will persevere, endure and continue in the faith until their death. They are kept by God’s power, which will result in an enduring faith and a pursuit of holiness throughout their life. However, make-believers will not continue in the faith or continue on the narrow road. True saving faith will continue through trials and not die from struggles, falls into sin or set-backs. Genuine believers will return to trusting God and a pursuit of holiness again and again throughout their lives or they will be under God’s loving corrective discipline until they do. On one hand, the believer is responsible to exercise the means of grace to aid in spiritual growth and perseverance throughout their lifetime. On the other hand, God promises perseverance to all who are genuinely converted by the powerful work of the Holy Spirit. A real Christian cannot become lost once he/she has been granted everlasting salvation. Matt 7:23; John 6:37, 63-65,10:9-10, 14, 24-30, 17:11; Rom 8:1-14, 25, 30; Phil 1:6; Heb 3:14, 6:12-13, 12:1-15; 1 Cor 1:2-9, 6:14; 2 Cor 1:22, Eph 1:11-14
10. Glorification: this is an act of God towards His people in which He makes them perfect in holiness by a supernatural act. The believer’s soul passes into glory at his/her death. Their soul is made perfect in holiness, but this is only the beginning. The consummation of the glorification takes place at the first resurrection of believer’s at the second coming of Christ. John 5:24-29; Rom 8:23, 30; 1 Cor 15:20-28, 42-58; 1 Thes 4:16-18; Rev 19:11-20:6