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Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Possible Model for a Skeptics Form, Answering the Questions of those Outside of Christ

1990s Skeptic’s Forum at Open Door Church


Finding Answers to Life’s Most Important Questions


This is a six-week general introduction to the issues that one needs to understand to embrace the Lord Christ by genuine saving faith and real repentance.  Each week those who are willing to attend will be provided supper by the Evangelism Team along with coffee, drinks, and snacks.  They will attend this Wednesday night discussion along with any friends (ODBC members) that invited them, and other members requested to attend and love on these folks by invitation of the elders.  There will be a different person each week to lead the discussion.  Each leader will need to come prepared with a list of questions to help lead the discussion on the topic below assigned for that week.  The leader will also need to be prepared to answer questions with propositional truths appropriate for each topic.  There is a stated goal below for each person to come to in his or her understanding as a result of each group discussion.  The leader should honestly, patiently, and lovingly answer the questions that are germane to the topic under consideration.  As facilitator, seek to diffuse any excessive passion being expressed by a skeptic by asking questions in return or asking the person to rephrase the question according to some stated guidelines.  (Lets, talk about that subject, but please re-word that question to be more polite.  We are all friends here.)  Also, turn questions that are off the subject into a question that is back on the topic for discussion by returning with a bridge question back into the topic.

Week One:  “What are the issues?”  Defining faith and reason and how they relate to seeking the truth and true understanding of life’s issues.

Ending Goal of discussion:  Leading each participant to realize that faith is important and when properly understood, it is a reasoned step into the light.  You do not check your brains at the door to trust biblical truth or to begin a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Week Two:  “Does God exist?”  Intelligent design, reason, justice, love, and creation all point to the fact that a greater being than man must exist. 

Ending goal of discussion:  Leading each participant towards the concept that there has to be someone greater than ourselves and to explore the possibility that this person is the God of the Bible.

Week Three:  “Has God spoken specifically?”  Considering the reasons why God special revelation in the Bible can be trusted and is true truth.  If God has spoken, what authority should His truth have in and for our lives?

Ending goal of discussion: Leading each participant towards acknowledging that the Bible might be true, thus they should seriously consider its claims.

Week Four:  “Who is man?”  Is man basically good with a proclivity to err some of the time or is man basically a lawbreaker with the appearance of doing good some of the time?  Is man the measure of all things or a dependent being to the only independent being?  If man is a sinner and God is holy as the Bible teaches, man is under judgment and is separated from God.

Ending goal of discussion: Leading each participant to consider seriously the implications of radical and pervasive depravity and the humility this recognitions should produce.

Week Five:  “Who is Jesus?”  There clearly was a historical person who was named Yeshua.  This person was and is God and Man, the God-Man.  What was His life and work all about?

Ending goal of discussion:  Leading each participant to consider the claims of Christ that He was and is God, yet at the first Christmas became fully human as well.  He is Lord of the universe and of His church.

Week Six:  “What is salvation?”  How can a person be delivered from the guilt and penalty of their sin?  What does genuine faith, repentance, and surrender look-like?  Why is it not good enough to have just “prayed a prayer?”

Ending goal of discussion: Leading each participant to understand what the gifts of faith and repentance are and look like as they struggle with surrendering their obstinate will to Christ.

There will be a final fellowship time for further questions from the group members in a home for those who are interested.  Likewise, all will be invited to our ABF ministry with specific suggestions on the class they should visit.

Invitations will come from members to co-workers, family members, neighbors, and friends, as well as from letters to those who attend special events at Open Door (Party-on-the-block).  Church guests, prospective members, and new believers can also be invited to attend.  Certain types of members will also be asked to attend to help with the group dynamics and to build a bridge to the ABF ministry for those who are saved or who will commit to further instruction.  Once the program is working smoothly, we can advertise through our members, church signs, mail-outs, radio spots, for the community announcements, etc.


Week 1:  Dwayne Milioni                               “What are the Issues?”

Week 2:  Robby Rose                                     “Does God Exist?”

Week 3:  Pete Schemm                                   “Has God Spoken?”

Week 4:  Bob Jones                                        “Who is Man?”

Week 5:  Wesley Price & Zack Nelson           “Who is Jesus?” 

                                                                        Wes = His person, Zack =His cross-work

Week 6:  Ted Manby                                     “What is Salvation?”



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