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Saturday, June 13, 2020

Remaining Sin Romans 7:1-25



1.  (Ill.) Do you remember our last time - ill. about a  

     make-believe U.S. invasion of Cuba?  Castro is in

     the woods hiding w/ his authority gone.  Now,       

     when his guerilla forces attack, where do

     you think they will strike?  The strongest spot or

     the weakest?  The unprotected areas get hurt -         

     worse, but they will attack any effort to supply

     the new forces w/ strength.  They are deadly             

     when they are quiet, because you don't know             

     where they will strike.  And they will work               

     against in vulnerable spots in the supply lines for the new rulers troops. 

     Such is your indwelling sin.

  "When it is least felt, it is in fact the

     most powerful."  Thankfully - Christian is not

     schizophrenic, or w/ 2 separate personalities or

     2 natures, no we have one new nature, the old        

     one died w/ Christ.  But we do have 2 forces in          

     us, one is in control, one seeks control.             

     Our redeemed, new, inner man vs our indwelling       

     sin.  The battle has begun.


2.  (Review)  if you can remember a few - Rom. 6-

     Tells us the good news.

     Sin's, dominion, rule, and authority has been

     destroyed in - life of every real Christian.

     Authority is different than power.

     Sin's authority, dominion, rule, & reign is over

     Sin's guerilla warfare is not                                                  

          We saw from chpt. 6:


  a.  The kingdoms have been changed for every genuine Christian.  vs 5-11


  b.  Every genuine Christian is responsible to live like a regenerate person. vs 12-14


  c.  Every human being serves either king Sin or king Christ.  Vs 15 -23

       Sin no longer has authority over us.

       That leads in to our relationship w/ - law.


3.  (Direction) We will see today that our    

      relationship to the law also changed w/ our              

      conversion to Christ & from sin's rule.


  I.  The law has no power to justify - it can only bring condemnation.               

 II.  The law has no power to sanctify - it can only expose our failures in obedience. 

       vs 14-25        

      As we look at our relationship to the law, we will

      also learn about our indwelling sin, our enemy

      on the inside.


  I.  THE LAW HAS NO POWER TO JUSTIFY - IT CAN ONLY BRING                                 CONDEMNATION. vs 1-14


      A.  Paul challenges the Jews about the law's role.  





           1.  It never was designed to justify a fallen sinner.

           2.  It restrains sin, exposes sin, & reveals the

                right path to take.


      B.  Ever alive sinner is under the law's authority.

           1.  The law is written on every heart.

           2.  While you are living, the law says do this or you will die.

           3.  Once you die, the law is silent.


      C. Marriage relationships illustrate our new position.

           1.  Marriage to Mr. Law as - unbeliever.

           2.  Here is my list to have done, dear.

                Not a hair out of place, not a speck of lent on 

                his suit.  - Comes home exactly at 5:32 p.m. 

                every evening w/o exception.  He is so perfect.

           3.  Didn't finish - list, pow!  You must pay for not 

                being perfect every time.

           4.  Marriage to Mr. Christ.

           5.  Here's Mr. Law's list, let me help you do it, dear. No pow!  Power &                                  assistance to attempt to do what was impossible to do both now & before. It                  still the goal.  Mr. Law's stick is gone.  Mr. Christ has already bore our                            punishment for our failure.  No more beatings.

      D.  Sin and the law are not friends.

            But they do work together in - unbeliever.                 

      E.  The law provokes a person's sin nature.                

            1.  Only the unbeliever's & make-believers have one.

           2.  Don't touch, wet paint. Read vs 5-6

                What kind of fruit do you bear?  Two kinds

                 - fruit to death, fruit to God.

                Be your own fruit inspector.  Are you still married to Adam, or have you married Christ?  Are you different than you were?

              How are you different?  Are you a pharisee?

                Or are you a new creation in Christ?

               (Ill.)  John Newton had a Christian mother who died when he was a young                 boy, he made a profession of faith, but quickly forsook it for many years, then                 God saved him, he was a different man. Are you like John at 9 or at 40?  It                     makes a world of difference.




      A.  Every believer's puzzling situation.  (15)

           1.  I don't understand myself because of the war

           2.  I do the opposite of what I desire to inside of me.

      B.  Every believer's necessary admition.  (16)

          1.  The law shows me what to do - it is good.

          2.  I am the problem, I am the one who fails.  

      C.  Every believer's needed understanding.  (17-19)


(Rom 7:17-9 NKJV)  But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.  For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find.  For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.


           1.  Sin dwells inside of me.        

           2.  Sin is not just outside - my enemy - is on the inside.

           3.  This fact never fails, evil is present in me.

            4.  Indwelling sin is an operating force inside me.  (powerful & successful)

           5.  We must personally discover our indwelling sin  (found it).

           6.  We find this force in us when we desire to do

                good.  Indwelling sin fights against all the means of grace.

           7.  Notice the place and strategy of our remaining sin.

           8. Sin is not around us, it is in us.

               Indwelling sin attacks our new desire to do 

               good & our specific  attempts to do good.

               You sit down write tithe check, indwelling sin is

               there, you plan to come to worship God on His

               day, indwelling sin is ready to fight, you plan to

               call and  build up your brother, it is there.

          you sit down to read the Wounded Heart Book

          or Bold Love , along w/ Bible, whatever is good, it fights.

        John Owen "How woeful is the sloth and negligence then of so many who live                 blind and are asleep about this internal reality of sin in them. There is an                     exceeding efficacy and power in the indwelling sin of believers, for it constantly             inclines itself towards evil.  We need to be awake, then, if our hearts would know          the ways of God."

      D.  Every believer's clear conclusion. (22, 23)

           1.  My inner man delights in God's law.

           2.  My indwelling sin fights against obedience.

           3.  I am at war inside, new nature vs

                indwelling sin.

      E.  Every believer's painful confession.  (24)

           1.  I am a mess, a wretched person.

           2.  I seek to do & chose right, but I fall flat on my face.

      F.  Every believer's victorious proclamation  (25)

           1.  I am thankful for deliverance is coming.

           2.  Christ Jesus' return will correct my problem with remaining sin.       

     G.  Every believer's honest disclosure.  (25)

           1.  My inner man serves God's law.

           2.  My indwelling sin serves the law of sin.

          (Heb 3:13 NKJV)  but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today," lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.

          (Jer 17:9 NKJV)  "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?

           Indwelling sin is deceitful & resides in the heart & body of believers.

          3.  In my own power I will fail every time.

          4.  My sin lost its right to rule at my conversion,

               but not its power to exist.

          5.  The power that works, is not - law, not me in my own strength,

              Power- gospel, - Holy Spirit. (Rom. Chpt. 8)

          But He will not fight my sin for me

          He helps me every time I get up to

          fight, but I have to chose to war in dependent trust on Him

            and His power.

          (Gal 5:17 NKJV)  For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.

            H.  There is no escape from struggle & tension in the Christian life.                                     Life is a War, w/ many a battle.Indwelling sin must be killed, & chased                   just like a band of guerrilla soldiers.

                    Kill sin or it will kill you.

                    I have found you, oh, my enemy.

                    You are a walking Trojan horse, the enemy is on the inside, it seeks to                             deceive, guide you, destroy you.

                    You must walk by Faith, Battle w/ sin

                    be ready for its surprise attacks.

                    (ill.)  I have to be careful w/ alcohol

                    I was drunk for - 3 yrs. I can't make provision for the flesh, or I will return

                    to that sinful way of coping w/ the pains

                    of life, but using food to replace alcohol

                    is not spiritual either.  Dan Allender in Bold Love, drives the knife deep into                     my heart.  He writes, "Every time I come home from work, walk into -                            pantry, grab a few bags of processed junk food & engage in a fifteen-                           minute culinary orgy, I live out a foolish hatred of discipline."  Replacing                        one addiction or habit w/ another is not spiritual or wise.

                    The root problems must be dealt w/.

                    I thought, because you had the gift of teaching you didn't struggle w/ sin.                      That a lie, smells like smoke.  If Paul lived in Romans 7 what makes you                         think you can get a Pastor who doesn't? There is no higher standard or                         second blessing. Every Christian has indwelling sin.




      1.  The law has no power to justify - it can only bring condemnation. 


      2.  The law has no power to sanctify - it can only expose our failures in obedience.  vs 14-25        

          The gospel & the H. Spirit are the sources of power for justification & sanctification.

          The law restrains, exposes sin & guides the believer on the path of righteousness.


          Indwelling sin is deceitful, powerful, effective,

          it wars against our habitual desire to do good

          & all specific attempts to do what is right & good. 

          It is no match for the word of God and

          the Holy Spirit when we take advantage of God's

          grace & war against it.

          Indwelling sin ignored is like a bull in a china shop.

          You'll have a mess to clean up.

          My uncle was told he had cancer.  He would make it 6 months if they fought it.               He chose to live and endure - pain by warring w/ the cancer.  My boss at CBC              fought it & has been in remission for many years.  God has called us to war w/              the cancer inside us.  Short or long term is - Master's choice.

          Will you take the call to arms and begin the war?  And if you are a religious                  professor but you are not converted, you need to get rid of your sin nature.                  Come to Christ by faith & repentance.  Don't let sin deceive you & harden your             heart.  






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