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Showing posts with label Gospel of John. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gospel of John. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Week 7 of 8 Week Study of the Gospel of John part b

John Chapter 18 & 19 Study Questions—Week 7


Review John 14 tells us the only way to the Father, prayer, and the Holy Spirit. John 15 gives us the analogy of the vine and the branches, showing our dependence upon Jesus. It also teaches us about love, the coming persecution, and the Holy Spirit. John 16 tells us about the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ coming departure. (Read John 16:25–33) In these verses prayer is directly to whom?  (The Father) Prayed in whose name? (Jesus’) There is no chain of command here, but direct access to God the Father by a believer. (See John 17.) In 16:30 Who is Jesus here? (God)

John 17 gives us Jesus’ high priestly prayer which He prayed for His sheep, His people.

Chapter 18

Vs. 1 Jesus is now back in the south, near Jerusalem. He traveled down from the North because this was His appointed time to die.

Vs. 2–3 The Temple guards were all Jews, the soldiers were all Romans.

Vs. 4 How is it that Jesus knows what is about to happen?  (He is God) Who is Jesus that He knows the future? (Divine)

Vs. 5–6 Another “I am” saying, they fall backwards (they know they are doing wrong, fear).

Vs. 11 The cup is the “Cup of wrath,” Jesus will be a substitute for many guilty sinners.

Vs. 12–14 The arrest and first Jewish trial of Jesus.

Vs. 15–18 The failure of Jesus’ disciples is a theme in Mark’s gospel.  The honest recording of mistakes, sins, and blunders in Scripture is different from myths and hero stories that portray the important characters only in a positive light.

Vs. 24 Jesus is sent to His second Jewish trial.

Vs. 25–27 Peter’s denial is given in detail, the 11 disciples are scattered, Judas betrayed Jesus.

Vs. 28 Here is Jesus’ first Roman trial before Pilate.  This is recorded in secular history (by Cornelius Tacitus, Lucian of Samosata, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, Mara Bar-Serapion, Josephus, and the Jewish Babylonian Talmud.) Pilate’s name plate has been found in Caesarea Maritima on a temple built to worship Emperor Tiberius: stating: “Tiberium, Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea.”

Vs. 28 The defilement would come from contact with Gentiles according to Oral tradition.

Vs. 33 Pilate’s question, Who is Jesus? (The King of the Jews)

Vs. 37 Who is Jesus here? (The King who reveals truth)

Vs. 38 Pilate’s skepticism about truth is recorded.  (Don’t be like Pilate.)

Chapter 19

Vs. 1 Jesus is beaten with 39 lashes (Multi-strand whip with sharp bone and metal on tips)

Vs. 2–3 The King’s game is played with Jesus (Crown of thorns, purple robe)

Vs. 5–6 According to Pilate, is Jesus guilty of sedition against Rome? (No)

Vs. 7 Who did Jesus claim to be, according to His enemies?  (The Son of God)

Vs. 11 God’s sovereignty and human responsibility are detailed in Jesus’ response.  The more truth you have the greater the sin when you chose to sin against God with knowledge.

Vs. 12 The “ace in the hole” against Pilate was used by the Sanhedrin (Caesar alone is king)

John Chapter 18 & 19 Study Questions (Back of Page)


Chapter 19

Vs. 17–19 Jesus begins to carry his cross.  Why would this be difficult for him at this point? (The beating, lack of food, water, and sleep)

Vs. 19–22 Who is Jesus? (The king of Israel, including spiritual Israel, all believers)

Vs. 25–27 Jesus was the first-born son.  His half brothers, James and Jude, sons of Mary, did not yet believe He was the Messiah.  He was responsible for His mother as the first born son.  What does Jesus do to provide for His mother, Mary? (He assigns John to care for her)

Vs. 28–30 Thirst, It is finished.  (The work of purchasing sinners is accomplished, paid in full.)

Vs. 33 Was Jesus dead? (Yes)

Vs. 34 Pierced the sack around the heart, blood had already separated (indicates ripped aorta)

Vs. 35 John is an eye witness.  Why is he telling you what he saw? (So you will believe)

Vs. 38–39 Nicodemus is back (He was born from above, repented of his sin, & believed in Jesus)

Vs. 41 the Garden tomb, near the “hill of the skull” outside of the city, was not in the suburbs of Jerusalem.  Joseph was buried in Nazareth. It has been estimated that 46% of the women were named Mary before 70 A.D.  Jesus’ name in Hebrew and Aramaic was [:WvyE Yēshû’a (Y+SH+V+’) and it would have been carved in stone just like this:  [wvy. The other ossuary in this tomb, Yudah the son of Yĕhōshu’a (the father of Yudah [Judah] has a different name than [Jesus] Yēshû’a [in English we translate this different name as Joshua]).  This name, [;vuAhy> Yĕhōshu’a (Y+H+SH+’) is carved like this [vhy {and this is even further from this sloppy inscription  qmwzXtya (pronounced as: aytashzoomek) found on the ossuary in 1980 in Jerusalem that an American film maker claimed belonged to Jesus [Yēshû’a]}.

Consider the importance of getting these different names correct by this illustration. If a family gets a call from a chaplain that says James Smith is dead, but their son’s legal name is Jim Smith, does it matter if the name is spelled correctly? Yes, James and Jim are two separate people, even though their names are related like Bob and Robert.  Not one archeologist agrees that Hollywood’s “Lost Tomb” belonged to Jesus of Nazareth who died and was buried outside of the city in a garden tomb.  DNA tests from bone dust is a different test than the one used for blood and hair.  The former test is not very reliable and has a huge range of inaccuracy. Also, no one has a base DNA sample of Mary, the mother of Jesus, or of Jesus’ DNA with which to compare the bone dust for verification. 

The second century heresy, Gnosticism, is a driving presupposition of this inaccurate movie production [The Lost Tomb of Jesus].  It was designed to make money like the Da Vinci Code did, being released at Easter, but it failed to do so.  For further documentation see: http://aomin.org , http://www.equip.org , http://www.americanvision.org


The inscription on the ossuary in “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” that the 2007 Discovery Channel documentary claimed belonged to Yēshû’a (which actually reads aytashzoomek) is below. Hebrew is read from right to left qmwzXtya. There is no resemblance to the name Yēshû’a [[:WvyE] at all.

8 Week Study of the Gospel of John part a

John Chapter 1 Study Questions—Week 1


Vs. 1 How many persons are in named verse 1–2? (Two, the Word and God the Father)  How many of these persons are divine? (Two)

Vs. 1–4 What is the history of the Word? (Compare verses 1–4 with verse 14, & 17)

In other words, was the Son of God in existence prior to the first Christmas, according to John?

(Yes, God the Son has always existed, but He became man as well about 2,000 years ago.)

Vs. 3 What work was the Son of God, Jesus Christ, an agent of completing in verse 3?  (Creation)

[A subcontractor is connected to General contractor, but the sub is one that glues the pipes, – agent.]

Vs. 4 What is the noun in verse 4 that is repeated twice?  (LIFE)  Why would John start talking about life so soon in this gospel?  (Read John 20:30–31, the purpose statement for the book)

Vs. 4 What does “in Him” mean?  (Jesus is the Source of life)

Vs. 5 Now, Jesus is also the source of light.  Light is true truth and holy behavior, that which conforms to written moral/ethical law of God. Jesus reveals the truth about man and God.

Vs. 6–7 What are the clues in verses 6-7 that John the author (and Apostle) is not talking about himself when he uses the name “John?”  (He is speaking in the third person; he refers to this person as John or he rather than “I” or me. (see verses 15, 19–23)

Vs. 7 “That all through him might believe.”  Do you remember the purpose statement for this book?  (John 20:30–31; Converted to questions it is: Who is Jesus?  What is belief?  What does real everlasting and abundant life look like?)

Vs. 9 is referring back to vs. 1–3, the true light is the Word, vs. 1–17, the Word became flesh and His name is Jesus

Vs. 10 Who does the “He” refer to in this verse? (The Word = Jesus)

Vs. 11 What race was Jesus (Yeshu’a), the Word, the light, the God-man? (Jewish)

Vs. 11–12 These verses contrasts two groups of people.  Who are they?  They are not the Jews and Gentiles.  (Believers and Unbelievers; Believers = the children of God)

Vs. 12–13 born of God, born from above. We will see this again in chapter 3, the new birth

Vs. 15 Who is the John in verse 15?  The Answer is clear in vs. 19–23 (John the baptizer)

Vs. 16 What is the key word in verse 16?  (GRACE) [unmerited, unearned, undeserved love and favor]

Vs. 17 Moses was great, he gave us special revelation from God, the first five books of the Bible.

Vs. 17 Which one is greater, Moses or Jesus?  (JESUS)

Vs. 18 Who is giving us special revelation in verse 18? (Jesus) [See John 14:26, 16:13–14]

The author of the Gospel of John was present for Jesus words in chapter 14–16 when He described how He would reveal his truth to others by means of his Apostles. (John is an example of Jesus giving Special Revelation from God in a book written by an Apostle of Christ)

Vs. 17–18 If Jesus did not write anything, how he can be a greater revealer than Moses? 

(Jesus wrote through the Apostles and the New Testament prophets. John is one of the Apostles)

Vs. 23 John the baptizer identifies himself with the prophecies about the introducer of the Messiah.  He quotes Isa. 40:3. [Also see Malachi 3:1–2, 4:5–6; both predict the ministry of John the baptizer.]

Vs. 24 What was a Pharisee like in the 1st century?  (A rule-centered conservative Jew trying to earn God’s favor by works.)

Vs. 26–27 Who is John the baptizer talking about in vs. 26–7?  (The answer is in vs. 29–30, John the baptizer)

Vs. 29 What was a lamb to the Jews? (A sacrificial substitute, blood on the door post, Passover)

Vs. 30–34 John the baptizers testimony, vs30–34, Who is Jesus? (The Son of God)

Vs. 40 We meet Andrew. What is Andrew’s testimony, Who is Jesus? See 41–42

(The Messiah, the anointed One)

Vs. 43 We meet Philip in vs. 45. Philip, Who is Jesus? (The One Moses wrote about in the 1st five books of the Bible)

John Chapter 1 Study Questions (Back of page)


Vs 40 We meet Andrew. What is Andrew’s testimony, Who is Jesus in vs. 41–42?

(The Messiah, the anointed One)

Vs. 46 What are some problems with Nazareth? (Gentiles, poor, lesser education, in the North)

Vs. 47–49 Nate, Who is Jesus? (A great teacher, the Son of God, the King of Israel)

Vs. 50 What does real belief look like?  (Nathanial)

Vs. 51 Gen 28:12 This is an allusion to Jacob’s ladder, Jesus is the ladder from heaven to earth.


The Apostle John’s purpose statement for writing this book is CSB John 20:30–31 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name.

Thus, we are looking for John to tell us, 1) Who is Jesus?  2) What is believing? (Belief, unbelief, and make-belief will illustrate this)  3) What is this “life” that Jesus offers?

John the apostle, Who is Jesus?  Jesus is God and one with the Father, who also is God.  Jesus was the primary agent of creation, the Creator of everything.  Jesus is eternal, He had no beginning.  Jesus is the source of life. Now John, the apostle, spent three years with Jesus.  He saw Him die on the cross and he entered Jesus’ empty tomb.  Now John the Apostle calls forth a list of other witnesses to tell us who Jesus is.

Witness # 1: John the baptizer, Jesus’ cousin, the forerunner of the Messiah.  John the baptizer claimed Jesus was greater than himself, existed before John. Jesus is God’s lamb, that removes the sins of both Jews and Gentiles, Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit (who also is God and one with the Eternal Son of God, Jesus, and God the Father, three persons, yet one in being.)  Jesus is the Son of God and the Lamb of God.

Witness # 2: Andrew, Jesus is the Messiah (anointed one, prophesied in the O.T. to come to Israel).

Witness # 3: Philip: ”We have found the One Moses wrote about in the law (and so did the prophets): Jesus the son of Joseph, from Nazareth!"

Witness # 4: Nathanial:  Jesus is a great teacher, the Son of God, the king of Israel.

What does saving faith or belief look like? vs. 11–13 Embracing, receiving, taking, Jesus the Messiah. The new birth, birth from God must proceed believing.

Nathanial shows us what belief (saving faith) looks like.

John the Apostle ends this section by telling us that Jesus is Jacob’s ladder on which the angels go up and down (Gen 28:12).  Jesus is the connection between heaven and earth.

What does unbelief look like? John 2:23–25 (empirical excitement over miracles)

Contrasted with those in vs. 22 (deep trust in what the Bible says)


John Chapter 3 Study Questions—Week 2


Vs. 1 What was a Pharisee like?  (Rule-centered, conservative, religious Jew) A Ruler of the Jews means one who served on the council of the 70, the Sanhedrin (today Nicodemus would be a Senator or cabinet member, a leading government official)

Vs. 2 According to this verse, who is Jesus?  (One who comes from God) How do we know Jesus came from God, according to Nick?

(Only someone with God’s power could do these sign miracles)

Vs. 2 Why do people do things at night, under the cover of darkness? (to hide what they are doing)

Vs. 3 In this verse, what has to come before belief, saving faith?

(A new birth, to be born from above, to be born from God)

Vs. 5 What has to happen before someone can enter the kingdom? (They must be born again, in verse 3 it was required in order to see the kingdom)

Vs. 6 Everything can only reproduce after its kind.  Two horses don’t mate and make a frog.

(The flesh produces flesh, only the Spirit can produce spiritual life)

Vs 8. Can man control the direction of the wind? (No)

Can man control the work of the Spirit? (No. With water? No. With a decision? No)

Vs. 10 Nicodemus was a teacher of the O.T. Bible.  Jesus’ question tells us what about

The O.T.?  (Nick should have already known about being born from above, O.T. – the metaphor circumcised heart, a heart of flesh to replace a heart of stone, the Holy Spirit “in” or “upon” a believer, David, Daniel, Anna, Simeon)

Vs. 13 What is Jesus’ claim here about who He is? (The Son of Man, in Dan 7:13, a divine being who returns to heaven on the clouds and speaks to the “Ancient of Days”)

Vs. 14 What will Jesus be lifted up upon?  (A cross, see John 12:32–34)

Vs. 15 What two key words are in this verse?  (Belief and Life)

What gift does belief cause us to receive, according to this verse? (Result: everlasting life)

Vs. 16 How many people are here?  (2) What does God the Father give? (The Son) Why?

(to keep believers from perishing in hell)

Belief is not just in God, here is it?  “In Him” What have all the testimonies about Jesus stated in this gospel up to this point? Who is Jesus, chapters 1–3? (Read the text for the list: Creator, Life, King of Israel, Son of God, Messiah, One from heaven, etc.) 

Believing in Jesus is fully embracing all of those claims about His person as fact.

Vs. 17 “Saved” means to be delivered. Delivered from what according to verses 16 and 36?  (Everlastingly perishing in the fires of hell, being under God’s wrath against sin)

Vs. 18 Who are the two groups of people in this verse? (Believers and unbelievers)

What is the result of genuine belief?  (Escape judgment) What about unbelief? (Increase judgment)

Vs. 19–21 What does this teach us about man’s condition?  (People love sin and hate truth being taught and righteousness modeled because it exposes their sin. This is why the new birth must come first, and why people run from the truth and cannot believe without God’s direct work.)

Vs. 30–31 What is John the baptizer’s testimony about Jesus here? (Jesus is from heaven and He is the boss)

Vs. 32 What does this verse tell us about the natural man? (He chooses to not believe the truth)

Vs. 33 What does belief look like here? (Accepting the truth, verbally confessing the truth)

Vs. 34–35 How many divine persons are here?  (3) What is the Father’s relationship to the Son? (Love and giving)  What does the Son have as a result of the Father’s action?  (All authority) Who does the Son send? (The Holy Spirit)

Vs. 36 How do we get this everlasting abundant life?  Or what has to come first?  (Belief)


John Chapter 3 Study Questions (Back of Page)


Who are the two groups of people in verse 36?  (Believers and unbelievers)

What does unbelief look like?  (An obstinate will & vs. 19–21 a love of sin)

Is just saying you believe the same as saving faith? (No, see 2:23–25, 1:12–13, 3:3, 5, and 8)

(This is why being born-again is a big deal!)

The New birth precedes a deep trust in the Person and work of Jesus and in His Word, the Bible.

Genuine faith and repentance precedes conversion, the moment we are “saved,” or delivered from wrath.  The new birth precedes faith and comes first.  Faith and repentance precede conversion.  At this point we have entered into a New Covenant relationship with King Jesus.


Who is Jesus? 

Jesus is from God, and does miracles, He descended from heaven and will return to heaven (thus He is divine), He was lifted up on a cross, He was a gift from God the Father, He came to save both Jews and Gentiles, Jesus is the One and Only Son of God, Jesus is the light that exposes sin and is thus hated by men, Jesus is the Messiah (the one promised to come to deliver God’s people in the Old Testament Bible), Jesus is the groom, John the baptizer is the groom’s friend, Jesus is from above, Jesus is from heaven, Jesus was sent by God the Father, Jesus speaks God’s words and gives the Holy Spirit

What is Belief?

It is more than mental assent that Jesus is from God and does miracles, belief follows being born from above, belief is illustrated by the wilderness Jews looking at the brazen snake on a pole in order to be healed, belief includes understanding the Son of Man, Jesus, was lifted up on a cross (John 12:32–34), believing must be in Jesus, and this includes believing all the facts and declarations about Him in John chapters 1–3, belief precedes everlasting life, belief is in the one and only Son of God, believing removes the threat of perishing, being punished, and being judged for every violation of God’s moral law, believing results in living by the truth, believing is the same as coming to the light (the truth, Jesus, holiness), belief produces works accomplished by God, belief is illustrated by John the baptizer’s humility, love for Jesus, and pointing others to Jesus, belief includes accepting Jesus’ testimony of who He is and what is true truth, belief includes accepting as truth God’s Words, belief removes one from the status of being under God’s wrath for committing sins to the status of having everlasting life.

What is Life?

It is related to the Holy Spirit, it becomes everlasting life in heaven for those who embrace Christ by faith and repentance (See John 12:40) [Nicodemus was already practicing repentance as a strict Jew, what he lacked was being born from above so he could believe, exercising the gift of faith, along with his repentance, thus neither Jesus nor John bring it up in this chapter], spiritual life comes by a work of the Holy Spirit (born from above, spiritually awakened), once a person genuinely believes, they receive everlasting life that begins now and lasts forever in the kingdom of God, heaven, life is the opposite of perishing, it is displayed by living by the truth (following the principles found in the Bible), life is the opposite of being under God’s wrath, everlasting life follows belief and is possessed by those who chose to believe in the Son of God, Jesus [to deeply trust in both who He is and what He did].


John Chapter 4 Study Questions—Week 3


Vs. 1–4 Judea is in the south, Galilee is in the North, Samaria is half-way between the two

(See map. If going from Raleigh to Henderson on Rt. 1, you will go through Franklinton)

Vs. 5 How does John the Apostle, know about Jacob and Joseph? (The O.T. Bible, Genesis is one of the books read weekly in the synagogue, Jacob camped in this area, Gen 33–34)

So the Apostle John believed that the book of Genesis was Redemptive history, accurately describing real people, places, and events.  The Bible is true.  Genesis is historical fact.

Vs. 6 Which of the two natures of Jesus the Messiah does this verse focus on?  (Human) Can a phantom get physically weary and thirsty? (No)

Vs. 7 Who were the Samaritans?  (Half-breeds from the Assyrian deportation and importation) Why were they racially different than Jews? (They were from Iran, the Medo-Persian area)

Vs. 10 How do we in our culture understand “living water”?  What is a metaphor?

[a figure of speech] (in her culture it was moving water from a river or stream)

What question from John’s purpose statement shows up in this verse?  (Who is Jesus?)

(“the gift of God” let’s see if the context tells us what this is.  In Chpt. 3 it was the Son)

Vs. 11 What is the answer to this lady’s question?  In Chpt. 1 John showed us Jesus was greater than Moses. Could He also be greater than Jacob?  (Chapter 1 ended with Jesus being Jacob’s ladder, the connection between earth and heaven. Jacob dreamed about Jesus, Jesus is greater than Jacob.)

Vs. 13–15 Here we see Jesus and the figurative use of water – Remember “water” in John 3?  Born of water and of the Spirit?  (See John 7:38–39)

Vs. 16–19 Jesus is not a racist or a male chauvinist. Who is Jesus here?  What characteristics do we see in Jesus thus far in this text? (He is concerned more about this lady than cultural norms. He is kind, but firm, positive but accurate.)

Vs. 21 What key word is in this verse?  (Believe Me)

A change is coming in worship (This was radical to the Jews)

Vs. 22 What is salvation?  Why the Jews?  (Gen. 11–12, of the family of nations, one family is chosen to reach all the families of the earth, to be a nation of priests and a light to the other nations, Abraham & Sarah.  The Jews had the only true Scriptures, and had the forerunner to the Messiah, John the baptizer.)

Vs. 23 How important is being alive spiritually to acceptable worship?  (Vital) Who gives spiritual awakening and then spiritual life?  (The Holy Spirit) How important is worshiping according to the truth, the Bible? (Vital)

Vs. 24 What does this verse tell us about God the Father?  [This is a problem for cults and false teachers] (God the Father does not have a body)

Vs. 25 The Samaritans have the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible.  With this lady’s knowledge of the first five books of the Bible, oral tradition influenced by the writing prophets, and possibly John the baptizer preaching ministry nearby, whom is she looking for?

(The Messiah)

Vs. 26 Who is Jesus? (The Messiah)

Vs. 34 How important is surrendering to God’s will?  (Very) Where can we find it? (The Bible)

Vs. 36 We have figurative speech here. What is the harvest or the fruit?  (People) What key word is here? (everlasting life)

Vs 36–37 Coming to faith is a process like farming and involves sowing, watering, and reaping.

This is what believers are to do with unbelievers, just like Jesus did with the Samaritan woman.

Vs. 39 What does belief look like in this verse? (Accepting the testimony of witnesses, like at a trial)


John Chapter 4 Study Questions (Back of Page)


Vs. 40–42 Does everyone believe at the same time?  (No) What does belief look like here?  (Listening to God’s word from Jesus, and accepting it as true truth.) Is it a blind faith, or a reasonable, rational, factual faith?  (A faith based on factual evaluation.)


Jesus was concerned about people that other individuals wanted to reject.  This lady knew that her life was messed up.  She knew that she was a sinner and needed help.  She was looking for the Messiah.  He sought her out and engaged her in conversation.  He spoke directly and clearly, identifying Himself as the Messiah.  Jesus shows us the Father’s heart and desire to “save” or “deliver” sinners from the power, control, and consequences of sin in their life.  God wants to begin a New Covenant relationship with this lady that will fill her life with joy.  She can be totally satisfied with Jesus.  He can meet her greatest needs by giving her the Holy Spirit.  The Father is seeking worshipers who will worship him in spirit and truth.  Many of the Samaritans responded to Jesus with faith.  Will we join them?


John Chapter 5 Study Questions—Week 4


The third sign is here.  The first was at a wedding in Cana (John 2) and the second was the healing of a Jewish official’s son in Galilee (John 4).  John lists a group of signs that give evidence of who Jesus is.  He also lists a number of “I am” sayings that also show us who Jesus is. 

I am:

q       the bread of life

q       the resurrection and the life

q        the door

q       the good shepherd

q       the way, the truth, and the life,

q       I am He

He is the God-Man.

Vs. 1 All Jewish males were required to go to Jerusalem for three feasts (Passover, Booths, Weeks)

Vs. 2 double pool with 5 porch covered walkways with rows of columns

Probably St. Anne’s pool, found by archeologists

Vs. 3d–4 probably not original (Textual Criticism compares the 5,000 + Greek manuscripts we have and helps us determine the most probable original text)

(These sentences do explain the Jewish tradition of why people would be waiting for the water to move, and thus they are helpful, but should have been placed in the margin or added as a footnote)

Vs. 5 What is Jesus’ question?  (Do you want to be well?) How would you answer this question?

Vs. 8–9 Who must Jesus be here? (God, he is healing on His own authority, the purpose of the sign was to give evidence that Jesus is God)

Vs. 10 Jews = Jewish leaders, not the whole race or every person in Jerusalem (John will use this term again to show why the leaders of the Jewish people, both Pharisees and Sadducees rejected Yeshua as their Messiah)

Was this activity illegal or unlawful by Roman law, Old Testament law or by Jewish oral tradition?  (Oral tradition only)

Vs. 14 He was sick for 38 years; the man may have been 58 years old or older.

Here the sickness was a chastisement that God allowed. In John 9 there is a man born blind that occurred not a chastisement for anyone’s sin, but only for God’s glory.

Vs. 15 Does this look like belief, unbelief, or make-belief? (Unbelief, compare to John 9)

Vs. 17–18 Who is Jesus here?  (The eternal Son of God, equal to the Father) How many divine persons are here? (Two)

Vs. 19 The standard operating procedure for Jesus during His earthly humiliation was submission to the Father’s will in His human nature.

Vs. 20 What is the Father’s relationship to the Son here? (He loves Him, reveals truth to Him)

Vs. 21 Which one of our three purpose statement terms is in this verse?  (Life, the Son gives this life to whomever He wants to)

Vs. 22–23 What will be the Son’s future role?  (Judge of all people)

Vs. 24 What does belief look like? (Hearing and believing the Word of God)  Note the detailed description of everlasting life (It is the opposite of the spiritual death that we are born with, those who have this life will not come under God’s judicial punishment for sin, ever.)

Vs. 25–29 What does it say here about judgment, resurrection, and life?  (A spiritual resurrection, being born from above, or being born again, takes place as some hear the Word of God. There will be a future resurrection of all people.  The people that have done good deeds will experience the resurrection of everlasting life, and those who have done evil deeds will experience the resurrection of everlasting judgment.  Every living person has done evil deeds and those deeds are paid for in one of two places: the lake of fire or the cross of Jesus)

John Chapter 5 Study Questions (Back of Page)


Vs. 30 What is Jesus modeling for us in this verse? (Humble dependence on God, living by faith and not only by what we see)

Vs. 31–36 What are some of the evidences listed here that Jesus is the God-Man?  The witnesses:

1.) Jesus 2.) God the Holy Spirit 3.) John the baptizer 4.) Jesus’ signs (supernatural miracles)

Vs. 37–39 What does belief look like here?  (Having the Word of God in us, understanding Jesus is God, understanding the Bible tells us about the Messiah, Jesus, and choosing to trust Jesus’ person and cross-work.)

Vs. 40 What is keeping people from believing? (Not a lack of evidence, it is their obstinate will) What is believing? (It is the same as coming to Jesus in faith, dependent trust and this deep trust will always be joined with repentance, turning from sin unto God.)

Vs. 41–46 What does this section teach us about belief?  (Pride, self-love and a lack of love for God fuels unbelief,  Belief is the opposite of these things.) The main goal of each born again believing person is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. Do you see this in this text?

Vs. 44 How many gods are there? (One)

Vs. 45 Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible.  The law’s role is seen here as an accuser and revealer of sin.  The law shows that no one deserves the resurrection of life.  They will get this mercy by unmerited favor and love [grace] or not at all.

Vs. 46 This is an argument from the lesser to the greater, remember chapter 1?  Jesus is greater than Moses.  You must first believe that all men are sinners as Moses proved by giving us God’s standard seen in the Ten Commandments before you realize you need a deliverer.  (You don’t want wear a cumbersome parachute unless the plane is in trouble and it is going to crash.)  If you don’t believe Moses, you won’t believe Jesus.  If you don’t recognize that you are a sinner (one who has not kept God’s rules 100% of the time, sinning by both commission and omission), then you cannot truly understand that you need a Savior from sin, who is the Lord of Lords, Jesus the Messiah.  The “Good News” (the gospel) only appears to be good news to those who recognize they are in big trouble and need an escape from the wrath to come. Salvation is by faith alone, by Christ alone, by Grace alone, for the glory of God alone.  The Bible alone is the final authority on what is truth and error and how to be delivered from the coming punishment of all sin.


John Chapter 6–9 Study Questions—Week 5


Chapter 6

In John 6 we witness the 4th sign: Jesus miraculously feeds five thousand people. For the 5th sign, He walks on water and when “make-believers” come for more free food; He says I am the bread of Life. The source of life is Jesus; you can’t have everlasting, abundant life apart from Him.

He said, “Everyone who believes in Me has everlasting life, I am the bread of life.”

Many disciples desert him, the twelve disciples stay, so chapter 6 gives us a contrast between make-belief and belief.  Believers continue to follow Jesus, most make-believers quit after a period of time (Judas stays longer for the money.)

Jesus asks, “Are you twelve going to leave also?”

John 6:6871   Simon Peter answered, "Lord, who will we go to? You have the words of eternal life.  69 We have come to believe and know that You are the Holy One of God!"  70 Jesus replied to them, "Didn't I choose you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is the Devil!"  71 He was referring to Judas, Simon Iscariot's son, one of the Twelve, because he was going to betray Him.

Vs. 68–71Who is Jesus in these verses? (The Lord, the One who has the words of everlasting life, the Holy one of God.)

The 11 true disciples vs. Judas is another contrast between real belief and make-belief.  What does belief and unbelief look like?  (Belief is loyalty and continuing, unbelief is betrayal and quitting.)

[John 20:2831  Thomas responded to Him, "My Lord and my God!"  29 Jesus said, "Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Those who believe without seeing are blessed."  30 Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of His disciples that are not written in this book.  31 But these are written so that you may believe Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and by believing you may have life in His name.]

Chapter 7

Vs. 14 This feast is called Booths, Succoth, or Tabernacles, 7:2 tells us this is the feast of Booths,

It lasted 8 days. [See Lev. 23:34–37; Num. 29:12–39; Deut. 16:13–16 to learn about this feast.]

Vs. 16 Who is the One who sent Jesus? (God, the Father)  So Jesus is the One who is revealing the Father’s truth to mankind.

NAU John 7:17 "If anyone is willing to do His will, he will know of the teaching, whether it is of God or whether I speak from Myself.

Vs. 17 What has to come before knowing? It is evidence or verification in this verse?  (No, choosing to do God’s will and this involves a submission to God. Faith is a reasoned step into the light, but it is a step we must choose to do, it involves seeing the unseen, not believing that which is not true.  We must choose to submit to God before the evidence can help us verify and know the truth.  The Bible is true, we must first choose to surrender to that truth, and then we will be capable of seeing that it is verifiable, understandable, and reasonable.  We cannot know the truth as an independent rebel. This stance makes us incapable of understanding spiritual truths.)

Vs. 18 What does this verse teach us about Jesus?  (He was seeking to bring glory to God.) Man’s greatest purpose in life is to glorify God. Jesus was sent and He is eternal. Jesus is true truth and speaks true truth, Jesus is without sin.

Chapter 8

“I am the light of the world, Before Abraham was, I am”

John 8:3132  31 So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, you really are My disciples.  32 You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Vs. 34 This freedom is freedom from slavery to sin, see vs. 34 everyone who sins without the new birth is a slave to sin.

Chapter 9

The Sixth sign that John records is in chapter nine.

Vs. 1 The question, who sinned in relation to this illness, if asked of the paralytic in chapter 5, what would the answer be? (The paralytic sinned) Now the blind man’s sickness in chapter 9 has a different cause in this fallen world.  See if you can spot it as we read this section.

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Chapter 9

Vs. 3 What is Jesus’ answer to the question of who sinned in verse 3? (Neither he nor his parents)

Vs. 5 Here is another “I am” saying, repeated from chapter 8, “I am the light of the world” (light is truth and holiness.  The world is all the people on earth.)

Vs. 11 How did the blind man receive his sight? (He obeyed Jesus’ instruction.) His instructions on what to do are different for each blind person healed in the gospel records.

Vs. 14 On which day of the week did the sixth sign take place? (Saturday, the Sabbath)

Vs. 16 What are the two positions among the Pharisees about Jesus’ ability to perform signs? 

(1. Jesus has a special connection with God. 2. Jesus is a lawbreaker, thus is getting his power somewhere other than from God.)

Can you remember back to chapter three, which of these two views did Nicodemus hold?

(The first, Jesus is from God)

Vs. 17 This statement by the one healed is in contrast to the statements made by the man healed in chapter 5 (“I don’t know who healed me”). According to the healed blind man, who is Jesus?

(He is a prophet, one with special revelation from God and authenticating signs)

Vs. 21 After the barmitsvah ceremony (At 12–13 years-old), a Jewish boy was a son of the commandments and morally responsible before God for himself.  Look at vs. 13, and then vs. 22, “the Jews” are the Jewish leaders, specifically the Pharisees here. John is showing us that the Jewish leaders rejected Jesus, not every Jew in Palestine (He wrote his book to the scattered Jews outside of Palestine).

Vs. 25 Here is empirical evidence. There is physical proof of this sign, verifiable in a court of law.  The sign does not produce faith in the Pharisees who already chose to not believe regardless of the facts.  The signs confirm the faith of those who have already submitted to God and His truth.

Vs. 29–33 What do we learn about Jesus here from this man’s testimony? (Jesus is not a sinner; He is doing supernatural worksnot magical tricks. God hears Jesus, Jesus is from God, and this sign verifies this.)

Vs. 35–38 According to these verses, who is Jesus?  (The one and Only Son of God, The Lord, the God-Man who can accept worship because He is God)

What does belief look like in these verses?  (Choosing to listen to God’s true messenger [today it is reading and studying the Bible with others or by ourselves], deep trust in Jesus as God in the flesh, worshiping Jesus, the God-Man)

Vs. 40–41 Human’s are responsible for ignoring the evidence of who Jesus is and choosing not to believe.  (The problem with these people is they love sin and have an obstinate will.  The evidence is overwhelming that Jesus is God.  They don’t lack evidence, they lack integrity and a love for the truth.)  “Faith comes by hearing, that is, hearing the Word of God” [Rom. 10]

Matthew 13:23  23 "And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty."

Hear the Word [read and listen to the Bible], understand what the Bible verses mean, and follow John 7:17—choose to believe the truth.  Choose to surrender to Jesus as Lord, Master, Boss.

The Bible is true!


John Chapter 10–12 & 14 Study Questions—Week 6


Context: Based on John 9:40–41 it is clear that the Pharisees are in the audience and are still addressing Jesus in Chapter 10. Thus Jesus is still speaking to the Pharisees.

Chapter 10

Vs. 1–6 The sheep and the Shepherd, Jesus is a true shepherd; the Pharisees are the false shepherds that are talked about in Ezek 34. The people are the sheep. In John 10, the real sheep, true believers, enter the kingdom on God’s terms (faith, repentance, surrender, a deep trust in the good Shepherd, Jesus.) Real sheep are loyal and follow Jesus’ teachings while rejecting the teachings of the false Shepherds. This false teaching included the merit system of the Pharisees which required earning salvation by works rather than by GRACE)

Vs. 7 Here is another “I am” saying, “I am the door of the sheep”

You need to be born from above to see the door and enter the door; Jesus is the door and the only door to abundant, everlasting life.  (The shepherds would sleep in the hole in the fence, so their body functioned as a gate or door.)

Vs. 9 What happens to those who enter by God’s appointed door? (They are saved from perishing

[vs. 28], from God’s wrath against sin and sinners)

Vs. 10 Here is a contrast of Jesus with the Pharisees

What do we learn about “life” in this verse?  What qualities does the life Jesus gives have, and when does He give this life? (It is an abundant, full, and complete life)

Vs. 11 What is the I am saying here?  (I am the Good Shepherd)  What does the Good Shepherd do for the sheep?  (He lays down His life, dies for the sheep). The Context of chapters 9–10 shows us that the reason He lays down His life is to save the sheep and give them abundant life upon their conversion.

Vs. 12–13 The loyalty goes both ways, the Shepherd to the sheep and the believers to the Savior

Vs. 14 Who is Jesus? (The Good Shepherd) One characteristic of belief is knowing Jesus personally.

Vs. 15 How does God the Son relate to God the Father?  (Intimate knowledge and relationship) What did Jesus come to do? (Die in the place of the sheep; he lived a holy life in our place, died in our place)

Vs. 16 Salvation is going to go beyond Jewish believers to also include Gentile believers.

They will become one people, God’s spiritual children, Jesus will be the leader.

Vs. 17–18 Jesus was not under the curse of death, He had to willingly give His human life for His death to occur.

Vs. 19 The Jewish leaders, mainly the Pharisees are divided again.

Vs. 20–21 What are the two Jewish answers to the question, Who is Jesus? (Crazy and demonic, and One that does miraculous signs from God)

What has been John’s answer to this question?  (Jesus is God, the God-Man)

Vs. 22 Feast of Dedication = Festival of Lights, Hanukkah

Vs. 24 “Are you the Messiah?” Who is Jesus? Is Jesus the Messiah?

Vs. 25 All the signs hold the witnesses fully responsible for choosing not to believe in spite of the evidence before their eyes (obstinate will and love of sin).

Vs. 26 What is another reason why the Pharisees are ignoring the evidence before them? (They do not yet belong to God. See John 8:23–24, 38–44)

Vs. 27 What 3 things in this verse display a genuine belief in Jesus the Messiah? (Hearing His voice, continually following Jesus, having a two way intimate relationship with Jesus)

Vs. 28–29 What is the life like that Jesus gives to real believers? (Everlasting, secure, unchangeable, the opposite of perishing)

Vs. 30 Who is Jesus? (Equal with God the Father, therefore, God the Son)


John Chapter 10–12 & 14 Study Questions (Back of Page)


Chapter 10

Vs. 31–32 Do the Pharisees think Jesus is just claiming to be a Rabbi? (No, they are going to put Him to death for blasphemy—for claiming to be God.  Jesus is either a liar, a lunatic, or Lord.)

Vs. 35 What is John and Jesus’ view of the Bible? (It is without error, all prophecies must be fulfilled.)

Vs. 36 Who is Jesus? (The One sent to earth by God the Father, the Son of God)

Vs. 38 How close of a relationship does Jesus have with God the Father? (intimate)

Vs. 39 What does unbelief look like? (hostility to Jesus)

Vs. 40–42 (See John 1:28. The new location is Bethany across the Jordan, below the sea of Galilee, just south of the Yarmurk river where it joins the Jordan River near the city of Adam.)  Belief in these verses is choosing to accept the truth and the facts even if it is unpopular or costly.

Chapter 11

In John 11 we have another sign to verify that Jesus is the God-Man.  A dead man raised after 4 days.

Vs. 25–27 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in Me, even if he dies, will live . . . 27 She said to Him, "Yes, Lord, I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who is to come into the world." (John 11:25, 27)

Who is Jesus here? (The Messiah, Son of God in the flesh)

Vs. 4148, 53   41 Then they took away the stone from the place where the dead man was lying. And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, "Father, I thank You that You have heard Me.  42 "And I know that You always hear Me, but because of the people who are standing by I said this, that they may believe that You sent Me."  43 Now when He had said these things, He cried with a loud voice, "Lazarus, come forth!"  44 And he who had died came out bound hand and foot with grave clothes, and his face was wrapped with a cloth. Jesus said to them, "Loose him, and let him go."  45 Then many of the Jews who had come to Mary, and had seen the things Jesus did, believed in Him.  46 But some of them went away to the Pharisees and told them the things Jesus did.  47 Then the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered a council and said, "What shall we do? For this Man works many signs.  48 "If we let Him alone like this, everyone will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and nation" . . . 53 Then, from that day on, they plotted to put Him to death.

(John 11:41-48, 53)

Vs. 4148, 53 Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead after he was in the tomb for four days.  Jesus is the resurrection. Jesus is the Life and can give life to even the dead.

Chapter 12

What does unbelief look like in these next verses?

Vs. 10–11 10 “Therefore the chief priests decided to also kill Lazarus, 11 because he was the reason many of the Jews were deserting them and believing in Jesus“(John 12:1011). 

Vs. 10–11 They were planning a murder to cover up the evidence that the Messiah was in their midst.  Were they lacking facts or evidence?  (No, they had eye witness reports of the resurrection.  They had a heart and will problem).

Chapter 14

Vs. 14:5–11

Vs. 6 Do you see any other way to get to heaven apart from Jesus the Messiah?

Vs. 11 Faith is not blind, fact-less, or a pipe-dream here. It is factual.  What are we to believe about Jesus here?  (Jesus is the Son of God, the God-Man who came to earth, who is one with God the Father.) Do you believe in the Jesus of the Bible yet? (Yes/No)


John Chapter 18 & 19 Study Questions—Week 7

                                                     (see additional page, part b)

John Chapter 18 & 19 Study Questions (Back of Page)


John Chapter 19 & 20 Study Questions—Week 8


This Greek word for “it is finished” requires several English words to translate it.  This verb is a consummative perfect passive.  Grammatically the perfect tense when it is a consummative perfect refers to a completed process that has ongoing results into the future.  The passive voice is always significant when it is used.  The cross-work of Christ “has been completed,” the sin debt has been paid in full.  The Mission was accomplished; the task of redemption was finished.   

What has Jesus accomplished (John 17:4, 19:28) and completed by hanging in extreme pain on the cross?  Why was His death a victory and not a defeat?  1.) Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies about the Messiah that had to occur before His death.  Some estimate that there are over 332 prophecies fulfilled in the person, Jesus of Nazareth.  Several of these prophecies were fulfilled just seconds before He spoke this word of victory (Psalms 69:3, 21), “it is accomplished” and it stands completed forever (perfect tense).  2.) His suffering and earthly humiliation was now over (Phil. 2:6–11; Heb. 1:3, 2:10–18).  He will never suffer humiliation again and will never die again (Rom. 6:9; Heb. 5:7–10).  3.) His penal vicarious substitutionary atonement has paid for the sin of His sheep (John 10:27) in full (Isaiah 53:4–8, 10–11; Mark 10:45; John 1:29; Ephesians 5:25, 10–11; Heb. 1:3, 10:12–14, 19; 1 Peter 2:24).  The work of redemption was finished (Romans 5:6–11, John 10:11–18, Ephesians 1:7, Galatians 2:20, Hebrews 9:24-28, 1 Peter 1:18, Romans 8:32).  The Holy wrath of the Father against sin and sinners was appeased for all those who would believe (1 John 2:2, Ephesians 5:2, 25; Hebrews 2:17; 9:11–15).  The important burial and resurrection were sure events to follow (1 Corinthians 5:4) that Jesus knew would occur as the God-Man.  He was so confident of this; He could declare victory before releasing His spirit.  Even though these prophecies were future, they would surely come to pass.  Likewise, the prophecies He had completed were the ones that had to occur before His death.   4.) The spiritual forces of darkness, expecting this to be a battle that they had won, immediately discover after Jesus’ victory cry that the cross-work of Christ brought their defeat (Genesis 3:15, John 12:31, Romans 8:33–34, Colossians 2:14–15, Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:8).  The spiritual world radically changed.  5.) Christ’s personal mission and work on earth has been fully completed (Matthew 1:21, John 12:20–23, 17:4; Luke 19:10; Galatians 4:4–5; 1 Timothy 1:15).  The God-Man lived perfectly in obedience to the Father and thus completed every task according to the Father’s plan (John 8:29; 12:27; Luke 9:51).  The completion of Jesus Christ’s humiliation, of living a perfect life in our place, and the completion of His work on the cross to pay for our sin changed the universe.  His six hours on the cross was the most radical event of human history.

Jesus had completed His work on earth and had physically died in the place of sinners.  It is very significant that Jesus declares His victory while on the cross for our benefit.  He did not have to wait for His resurrection, ascension, or His seating in heaven (Acts 2:29–36, Psalms 24:1–10) to occur before He loudly proclaimed that the war had been won.  From that moment on, Satan, sin, and death have all been defeated foes awaiting the appointed time when they will join together in the lake of fire, the second death.  All three of these enemies are on limited time.  Jesus is Lord of the living and of the dead (Rom.14:9) and He is the Victor.  It has been accomplished, the redemption of believers, and it remains completely finished forever.  The believer’s redemption has been paid in full and can not be added to by any type of human works (Eph. 2:8-9).  The risen Christ is received by a believing and repentant heart by the sinner, but it is His shed blood that is the basis for their forgiveness, not the sinner’s actions to receive God’s free gift of everlasting life (Rom. 6:23).

Chapter 19

Vs. 31 There are four types of crosses that were used by the Romans (pole l, a T, an X, or like most pictures, +). The wood found on the spike through a man’s heal in Israel in an archeological discovery was from an Olive tree (they also had oaks and pines in Palestine with numerous fruit trees). Olive trees grow short, the vertical beam would be about 7–8’ high, leaving the victim close to the soldiers.  The victim only carried the upper “I” beam. There was a peg or a nail fastened to the beam for the victim to sit on to prolong the pain.  It usually took 36 hours or more, but death came shortly after the broken legs prevented the victim from lifting up his body with his legs to get a breath of air and often sent clots into the lungs.  The upper nails went through the wrist bone, the lower 7” nail went through the heel into the wood out the wood and into the other heel and then was bent over.  Most of the time

John Chapter 19 & 20 Study Questions (Back of Page)


there was also a stone tablet installed under the feet to bear the body weight.  Sun exposure, dehydration, swollen wounds with tetanus could each eventually cause the death of the victim long before asphyxiation.  Sometimes they would hit the victim under the arm with a hammer before lifting them up, which would probably break several ribs.  It appears Jesus’ heart ruptured due to the physical, emotional, and spiritual agony and stress after 6 hours.

Chapter 19

Vs. 36–37 the Messiah is still fulfilling Old Testament prophecies

Vs. 41 Jesus was placed in a garden tomb

Vs. 42 its location was near the hill of the skull

Chapter 20

Vs. 1 Mary of Magdalena, from the southern section below the Sea of Galilee was the first to arrive at the tomb. If one was making this up, your first witness would not been a female in this day, nor a former mental case (she had seven demons).

Vs. 2 John and Peter are informed about the tomb

Vs. 3–4 The two go to the tomb and examine the evidence

Vs. 5–7 Who gets there first? (John) Who enters first? (Peter) Notice the details.

Vs. 8 What is the proper response to the evidence? (Belief) Is this a blind faith contrary to fact, or a reasoned acceptance of the truth observed) (2nd option)

Vs. 9 This verse explains why they were not expecting this and why Peter does not yet believe.

Vs. 16–17 What proof does Mary have of the resurrection of Jesus? (She recognized his voice, saw him, and touched him, and she saw angels at the tomb)

Vs.19–20 What do ten of the disciples see and hear? (Jesus)  What did he show them?

(The wounds from crucifixion)

Vs. 21 This is the Great Commission in John.  How did Jesus come into the world in regards to His social status, personhood, and appearance?  (He was poor, average appearing, human baby) Jesus’ disciples are also to relate to people with dignity and compassion because they are made in God’s image.

Vs. 22 Here is a temporary filling of the Holy Spirit until Pentecost.

Vs. 24 Thomas is missing.

Vs. 25 Willfully unbelieving Thomas, refusing to believe eye witness accounts

Vs. 26 Who shows up again a week later? (Jesus)

Vs. 27 What does Jesus say to Thomas?  Now that you have viewed the eye witness accounts, what would Jesus say to you? (Don’t be an unbeliever, but believe, exercise the gift of faith)

Vs. 28 According to Thomas who is Jesus? (Lord and God) He died preaching this in India.

Vs. 29 Do you want to be blessed?  How can you be, according to this verse?  (believing the testimony of the Word of God without demanding a miraculous sign)

Vs. 30 Does John record every supernatural sign Jesus did?

Vs. 31 Why did John write down the signs included in this book? (so that we would believe and by faith receive everlasting abundant life)  Who is Jesus? (The Messiah, the son of God, the God-Man)

So, the entire testimony of this book of “eye witness accounts” draws to a close much like it began. SB John 1:49 "Rabbi," Nathanael replied, "You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!"

Is Jesus your King, Master, Boss, Savior, Deliverer, Lord? (Yes/No)