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Sunday, May 17, 2020

Week 7 of 8 Week Study of the Gospel of John part b

John Chapter 18 & 19 Study Questions—Week 7


Review John 14 tells us the only way to the Father, prayer, and the Holy Spirit. John 15 gives us the analogy of the vine and the branches, showing our dependence upon Jesus. It also teaches us about love, the coming persecution, and the Holy Spirit. John 16 tells us about the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ coming departure. (Read John 16:25–33) In these verses prayer is directly to whom?  (The Father) Prayed in whose name? (Jesus’) There is no chain of command here, but direct access to God the Father by a believer. (See John 17.) In 16:30 Who is Jesus here? (God)

John 17 gives us Jesus’ high priestly prayer which He prayed for His sheep, His people.

Chapter 18

Vs. 1 Jesus is now back in the south, near Jerusalem. He traveled down from the North because this was His appointed time to die.

Vs. 2–3 The Temple guards were all Jews, the soldiers were all Romans.

Vs. 4 How is it that Jesus knows what is about to happen?  (He is God) Who is Jesus that He knows the future? (Divine)

Vs. 5–6 Another “I am” saying, they fall backwards (they know they are doing wrong, fear).

Vs. 11 The cup is the “Cup of wrath,” Jesus will be a substitute for many guilty sinners.

Vs. 12–14 The arrest and first Jewish trial of Jesus.

Vs. 15–18 The failure of Jesus’ disciples is a theme in Mark’s gospel.  The honest recording of mistakes, sins, and blunders in Scripture is different from myths and hero stories that portray the important characters only in a positive light.

Vs. 24 Jesus is sent to His second Jewish trial.

Vs. 25–27 Peter’s denial is given in detail, the 11 disciples are scattered, Judas betrayed Jesus.

Vs. 28 Here is Jesus’ first Roman trial before Pilate.  This is recorded in secular history (by Cornelius Tacitus, Lucian of Samosata, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger, Thallus, Mara Bar-Serapion, Josephus, and the Jewish Babylonian Talmud.) Pilate’s name plate has been found in Caesarea Maritima on a temple built to worship Emperor Tiberius: stating: “Tiberium, Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea.”

Vs. 28 The defilement would come from contact with Gentiles according to Oral tradition.

Vs. 33 Pilate’s question, Who is Jesus? (The King of the Jews)

Vs. 37 Who is Jesus here? (The King who reveals truth)

Vs. 38 Pilate’s skepticism about truth is recorded.  (Don’t be like Pilate.)

Chapter 19

Vs. 1 Jesus is beaten with 39 lashes (Multi-strand whip with sharp bone and metal on tips)

Vs. 2–3 The King’s game is played with Jesus (Crown of thorns, purple robe)

Vs. 5–6 According to Pilate, is Jesus guilty of sedition against Rome? (No)

Vs. 7 Who did Jesus claim to be, according to His enemies?  (The Son of God)

Vs. 11 God’s sovereignty and human responsibility are detailed in Jesus’ response.  The more truth you have the greater the sin when you chose to sin against God with knowledge.

Vs. 12 The “ace in the hole” against Pilate was used by the Sanhedrin (Caesar alone is king)

John Chapter 18 & 19 Study Questions (Back of Page)


Chapter 19

Vs. 17–19 Jesus begins to carry his cross.  Why would this be difficult for him at this point? (The beating, lack of food, water, and sleep)

Vs. 19–22 Who is Jesus? (The king of Israel, including spiritual Israel, all believers)

Vs. 25–27 Jesus was the first-born son.  His half brothers, James and Jude, sons of Mary, did not yet believe He was the Messiah.  He was responsible for His mother as the first born son.  What does Jesus do to provide for His mother, Mary? (He assigns John to care for her)

Vs. 28–30 Thirst, It is finished.  (The work of purchasing sinners is accomplished, paid in full.)

Vs. 33 Was Jesus dead? (Yes)

Vs. 34 Pierced the sack around the heart, blood had already separated (indicates ripped aorta)

Vs. 35 John is an eye witness.  Why is he telling you what he saw? (So you will believe)

Vs. 38–39 Nicodemus is back (He was born from above, repented of his sin, & believed in Jesus)

Vs. 41 the Garden tomb, near the “hill of the skull” outside of the city, was not in the suburbs of Jerusalem.  Joseph was buried in Nazareth. It has been estimated that 46% of the women were named Mary before 70 A.D.  Jesus’ name in Hebrew and Aramaic was [:WvyE Yēshû’a (Y+SH+V+’) and it would have been carved in stone just like this:  [wvy. The other ossuary in this tomb, Yudah the son of Yĕhōshu’a (the father of Yudah [Judah] has a different name than [Jesus] Yēshû’a [in English we translate this different name as Joshua]).  This name, [;vuAhy> Yĕhōshu’a (Y+H+SH+’) is carved like this [vhy {and this is even further from this sloppy inscription  qmwzXtya (pronounced as: aytashzoomek) found on the ossuary in 1980 in Jerusalem that an American film maker claimed belonged to Jesus [Yēshû’a]}.

Consider the importance of getting these different names correct by this illustration. If a family gets a call from a chaplain that says James Smith is dead, but their son’s legal name is Jim Smith, does it matter if the name is spelled correctly? Yes, James and Jim are two separate people, even though their names are related like Bob and Robert.  Not one archeologist agrees that Hollywood’s “Lost Tomb” belonged to Jesus of Nazareth who died and was buried outside of the city in a garden tomb.  DNA tests from bone dust is a different test than the one used for blood and hair.  The former test is not very reliable and has a huge range of inaccuracy. Also, no one has a base DNA sample of Mary, the mother of Jesus, or of Jesus’ DNA with which to compare the bone dust for verification. 

The second century heresy, Gnosticism, is a driving presupposition of this inaccurate movie production [The Lost Tomb of Jesus].  It was designed to make money like the Da Vinci Code did, being released at Easter, but it failed to do so.  For further documentation see: http://aomin.org , http://www.equip.org , http://www.americanvision.org


The inscription on the ossuary in “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” that the 2007 Discovery Channel documentary claimed belonged to Yēshû’a (which actually reads aytashzoomek) is below. Hebrew is read from right to left qmwzXtya. There is no resemblance to the name Yēshû’a [[:WvyE] at all.

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